
EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: It is possible that King Charles could turn to medicinal whisky.

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: King Charles might resort to a medicinal whisky as he awaits the first segment of the BBC’s Jimmy Savile biopic

On Monday, while waiting for the first part of the BBC’s Jimmy Savile biopic The Reckoning, King Charles may consider using medicinal Laphroaig.

The BBC has stated that Savile utilized his relationships with the Royal Family and other organizations to hide his illegal activities.

Charles unknowingly sought advice from Savile regarding managing the media and sought his guidance as a marriage counselor during his troubled relationship with Diana.

He unknowingly relied on him as a mentor for understanding regular individuals, even accompanying Savile as he received his retirement benefits.

My mole whispers that appearances of the King are minimal with a brief scene alongside Diana at a hospital opening. 

But HM surely regrets sending Savile Cuban cigars and gold cufflinks to mark his 80th birthday with the note, ‘Nobody will ever know what you have done for this country, Jimmy. This is to go some way to thanking you for that.’

King Charles might resort to a medicinal Laphroaig as he awaits the first segment of the BBC's Jimmy Savile biopic The Reckoning on Monday, writes Ephraim Hardcastle

Ephraim Hardcastle reports that King Charles may turn to a healing Laphroaig while anticipating the premiere of the BBC’s Jimmy Savile biopic The Reckoning on Monday.

The BBC has said Jimmy Savile (pictured) used his connections with the Royal Family and other institutions to conceal his crimes

The BBC has stated that Jimmy Savile (shown in the picture) utilized his relationships with the Royal Family and other organizations to hide his illegal activities.

Before Meghan, Prince Harry engaged in conversation with Neve Campbell, the actress known for her role in the horror film series Scream. Neve reveals that they danced and had a peculiar discussion where Harry mentioned having a poster on his wall during his childhood.

‘I was like ‘What? at Buckingham Palace?’ Harry apparently went mute. Perchance, Neve, he had a billboard from your other opus Wild Things, remembered for its lesbian romping.

BBC iPlayer has edited out mistakes made by Fiona Bruce and Philip Mould in previous episodes of Fake or Fortune? to promote the new series. These mistakes involved authenticating a Monet painting that was later proven to be a fake.

Also omitted is a Winston Churchill canvas described as fake on the show only for it to be deemed genuine five years later. And AWOL on the iPlayer is Fiona, pictured, and Phil’s celebration of a dawb painted ‘mainly by Lucian Freud’ even though the artist denied painting it. Isn’t artistic life grand!

Putting previous episodes of Fiona Bruce (pictured) and Philip Mould's Fake or Fortune? on BBC iPlayer to promote the new series, Beeb boffins have edited out artistic howlers where the presenters authenticated a Monet which was later confirmed as a fake

BBC iPlayer has edited out mistakes made by Fiona Bruce and Philip Mould in previous episodes of Fake or Fortune? to promote the new series. These errors occurred when the presenters incorrectly authenticated a Monet painting that was later proven to be a forgery.

Has Rishi’s scrapping of Manchester’s HS2 leg triggered a domestic tiff between West Midlands mayor Andy Street and his ‘life partner’ Sir Michael Fabricant? While Street calls Sunak’s decision an ‘incredible political gaffe’ Lichfield MP Fabricant supports the PM ‘cutting his losses’. 

Michael, with his peculiar hairstyle, makes it clear that he disagrees with Andy Street regarding HS2, yet he acknowledges and admires his integrity. In the words of another famous individual from the Midlands, “love doesn’t always go smoothly.”

During his appearance on Have I Got News for You, American comedian Jackie Mason seemed to mistake team captain Ian Hislop for a tea boy. Hislop recalls the incident, saying, “I was walking around the studio holding a cup of tea when he approached me and took it. He thought I was a runner. Then, when we were on set, he looked at me and asked, ‘Why are you here?’ It appears that Mason was joking around.”

Bong! Sir Trevor McDonald is back behind a newsdesk on ITV, 15 years after retiring from News at Ten. But Trev, 84, isn’t reading the news. He’s promoting McVitie’s biscuits. What next Trev? Garry Baldi doing the weather!