
King Charles’s friendship with Jimmy Savile is further confirmed

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: King Charles’s friendship with Jimmy Savile is further confirmed by the revelation that after Prince Harry’s birth he was included in a long list of potential godfathers

King Charles’s friendship with Jimmy Savile is further confirmed by my disclosure here that after Prince Harry’s birth in 1984 he had been included in a long list of names of potential godfathers. 

Charles wrote the selection and it was viewed by his personal secretary, Edward Adeane.

Adeane knew that Charles would not consider any opposing viewpoint about Savile. Due to his strained relationship with Diana, he believed it was not possible to discuss the matter with Harry’s mother.

He had a conversation about it with Sir Alastair Aird, who was in charge of managing the Queen Mother’s affairs. Sir Aird was shocked by the situation and promised Adeane that he would take care of it. Savile did not end up being among the final six.

King Charles's friendship with Jimmy Savile is further confirmed by my disclosure here that after Prince Harry 's birth in 1984 he had been included in a long list of names of potential godfathers. Pictured: Charles, then-Prince of Wales, and Sir Jimmy Savile in 1999

King Charles’s friendship with Jimmy Savile is further confirmed by my disclosure here that after Prince Harry ‘s birth in 1984 he had been included in a long list of names of potential godfathers. Pictured: Charles, then-Prince of Wales, and Sir Jimmy Savile in 1999

As details of Savile’s crimes emerged following his death in 2011, David CameronHe promised to think about making a legal amendment that would allow honors to be taken away after someone’s death. However, he never followed through with it.

royal attic, if they are still there.BBC.

As details of Savile's crimes emerged following his death in 2011, David Cameron pledged to consider a legal change that honours could be rescinded post-humously. He never got round to it. Pictured: David Cameron in 2021

After the revelation of Savile’s offenses after his death in 2011, David Cameron promised to review the possibility of revoking honors after someone’s passing. However, he never followed through with this commitment. The photograph shows David Cameron in 2021.

Rabid Remainer Alan Rusbridger, editor of Prospect magazine, must have hoped commissioning fellow anti-Brexiteer Lionel Barber to interview Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey would elicit a full-throated condemnation of Britain’s EU exit.

Instead Barber, accused when editor of the Financial Times of masterminding a ‘one-sided and almost hysterical’ campaign to stay in Europe, came away with a partial endorsement of Brexit.

“I cannot reword”

Alan Rusbridger, (pictured in June this year) editor of Prospect magazine, must have hoped commissioning fellow anti-Brexiteer Lionel Barber to interview Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey would elicit a full-throated condemnation of Britain's EU exi

Alan Rusbridger, (pictured in June this year) editor of Prospect magazine, must have hoped commissioning fellow anti-Brexiteer Lionel Barber to interview Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey would elicit a full-throated condemnation of Britain’s EU exi

Dame Judi Dench‘s current squeeze, red squirrel breeder David Mills, had hurdles to jump when he first met Judi’s friend, actress Helena Bonham Carter at a London luvvie gathering. 

David remembers when she approached him and asked, “What projects have you been involved in lately?”

I replied, “I haven’t done anything.” The person asked again, “So, what have you accomplished?” I repeated, “Nothing.” However, you are an“What are you doing here with this group of people?”

Dame Judi Dench's current squeeze, red squirrel breeder David Mills, had hurdles to jump when he first met Judi's friend, actress Helena Bonham Carter at a London luvvie gathering

Dame Judi Dench’s current squeeze, red squirrel breeder David Mills, had hurdles to jump when he first met Judi’s friend, actress Helena Bonham Carter at a London luvvie gathering

What has been the progress of Matthew Rhys’s acting career following his success in portraying Perry Mason?

Unfortunately, the actor from Wales has been unemployed for seven months due to his agent’s refusal to accept less significant roles.

He has realized that other actors, such as Rachel Weisz and Emily Blunt, also have children at the same school while he is occupied with the school run.

He cries out, expressing that he has been unemployed for a significant period of time and considers growing a moustache as a way to give the impression that he is employed.

Cheer up, Matt! If you don’t receive any casting calls before Christmas, you might have a beard that is perfect for auditioning as a Santa in Hollywood.

How fares Matthew Rhys's acting career since his triumph as Perry Mason? Alas the Welsh thespian has been out of work for seven months as his choosy agent rejects lesser roles. Rhys is pictured as Perry Mason

What is the status of Matthew Rhys’s acting career after his success as Perry Mason? Unfortunately, the Welsh actor has been unemployed for seven months as his selective agent turns down smaller roles. A picture of Rhys as Perry Mason is shown.

Strictly judge Anton du BekeHe excessively shares excessive information about his bathing routines.

“He shares, ‘I enjoy taking showers and prefer standing in the shower. At the far end, I have placed a mirror.'”

He adds boastingly: ‘I did apply to go on Naked Attraction.’ 

For the uninitiated, the Channel 4 titillation includes a type of ballroom far removed from the cha-cha or paso doble.

Strictly judge Anton du Beke provides an unnecessary profusion of detail about his bathing habits. Anton du Beke is pictured with his wife Hannah Summers on October 1

Strictly judge Anton du Beke provides an unnecessary profusion of detail about his bathing habits. Anton du Beke is pictured with his wife Hannah Summers on October 1