
PM filmed video cancelling HS2 from No10 days BEFORE announcement

There is anger as it has been disclosed that Rishi Sunak recorded a video in which he cancels HS2 from Downing Street prior to the disorganized announcement at the Tory conference. He has chosen not to apologize to the North for terminating the train line to Manchester.

Rishi Sunak is experiencing anger as it was disclosed that he recorded a video in Downing Street confirming the cancellation of HS2, even though he had been insisting for several days that no decision had been made.

Yesterday, during his speech at the Tory conference, the Prime Minister revealed that he would be abandoning the planned rail line connecting Birmingham and Manchester, putting an end to weeks of speculation.

After delivering his keynote speech at the Conservative conference in Manchester, Mr. Sunak shared a video on social media where he announced that he would halt the progress of HS2 after Birmingham.

However, it was observed that the video seemed to have been recorded in Downing Street before the Prime Minister’s journey to Manchester for the commencement of the conference on Sunday.

During the Conservative conference, Mr. Sunak and other senior ministers chose not to comment on the future of HS2, despite this, the following statement was made.

Ministers today stood up for the Government in response to the controversy, while Mr. Sunak chose not to apologize to the North for making ‘false promises’ regarding HS2.

The PM is facing a fury after it was revealed he filmed a video in Downing Street confirming the scrapping of HS2 - despite then insisting for days after that no decision had been taken

The Prime Minister is experiencing intense anger as it has been disclosed that he recorded a video in Downing Street confirming the cancellation of HS2. However, he had previously maintained for several days that no decision had been made.

Following his Tory conference speech, Rishi Sunak posted a video to confirm he's 'stopping all phases of HS2 beyond Birmingham'. The video appeared to have been filmed days earlier

After delivering his speech at the Tory conference, Rishi Sunak shared a video to announce that he will halt the progress of HS2 after Birmingham. It seemed that the video had been recorded several days before.

The PM's choice to scrap HS2's northern leg to Manchester has prompted a fierce backlash among Tories - including former PMs Boris Johnson and David Cameron

The decision made by the Prime Minister to cancel the northern section of HS2, which would have connected to Manchester, has sparked strong opposition from members of the Conservative Party, including former Prime Ministers Boris Johnson and David Cameron.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister shared a video on social media where he discussed his vision for a new transportation initiative called ‘Network North’. Although the video was posted recently, it appears to have been recorded several days earlier. The Prime Minister expressed his intention to finance this project by utilizing £36 billion in savings from the cancellation of HS2.

He inquired about the method to achieve this, explaining that he plans to halt all stages of HS2 after Birmingham and allocate the funds saved to transportation initiatives in the North and Midlands.

However, throughout the four-day Tory conference, the PM consistently declined to confirm whether or not he had made a decision on HS2, despite widespread speculation regarding his intentions.

“I will refrain from providing comments on all the speculation,” stated Mr. Sunak during his interview with the BBC on Sunday.

On Tuesday, the Prime Minister informed Sky News that he would not be compelled to make hasty decisions, just before his conference speech.

This morning, Transport Secretary Mark Harper emphasized that he made the official and conclusive choice to cancel HS2 on Tuesday, prior to receiving Cabinet approval on Wednesday.

He expressed his confusion about the intense reaction people were having regarding the controversy surrounding the Prime Minister’s social media video.

“I cannot reword”

I am legally obligated to make decisions, and I formally made a decision earlier this week. The decision was approved by the Cabinet on Wednesday morning and announced by the Prime Minister during our conference.

I find it puzzling why people are becoming so agitated about this specific matter when it is quite simple and easy to understand.

“I cannot reword.”

The decision made by the Prime Minister to cancel the extension to Manchester has caused strong opposition from members of the Conservative Party, including former Prime Ministers Boris Johnson and David Cameron, as well as leaders from the northern region.

However, during an interview with BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, which took place after his speech at the Tory conference yesterday, Mr. Sunak refuted the notion that his actions would discourage future investments in Britain.

“The Prime Minister stated that speaking to investors is a regular part of their job, and it aligns with their background. They expressed familiarity with this realm.”

They do not discuss the railway connecting Birmingham and Manchester with me. Instead, they discuss various other topics.

Mr. Sunak also expressed disagreement with labeling the remaining portion of HS2 as a mere “shuttle service” connecting London and Birmingham.

The PM declined to apologise for ‘false promises’ on high speed rail, saying: ‘No, what I want to say to everybody is that what we are doing is going to be better. It is going to be better for our country.

“You continue to mention ‘scrap,’ but our intention is to substitute HS2 with a solution that will bring benefits to a significantly larger number of individuals in numerous locations, and at a much faster pace.”