
Rishi Sunak demonstrated to the Conservative Party that he is capable of protecting us from Keir Starmer’s embrace of woke culture.

The day Rishi Sunak gave Tories a reason to believe he CAN save us from Keir Starmer’s wokery

  • The Prime Minister unveiled strategies to gradually eliminate smoking, causing an immediate rebellion within the Conservative party.

Yesterday, Rishi Sunak referenced Margaret Thatcher as he presented a comprehensive and innovative plan to reshape Britain and revive the Conservative Party’s success.

Ignoring objections from his predecessors at No 10, he took a significant risk by announcing the cancellation of the northern section of HS2. Instead, he plans to allocate billions of pounds towards improving regional transportation.

The Prime Minister announced intentions to gradually eliminate smoking, causing an immediate rebellion among the Conservative party. Additionally, he presented a suggestion to eliminate A-levels and introduce an ‘Advanced British Standard’ instead. This new standard would mandate students to study mathematics and English until they reach the age of 18.

The Prime Minister spent a significant portion of his closing speech at the conference discussing his admiration for the diversity of Britain, emphasizing the significance of family, and distinguishing his stance on gender ideology from that of the Labour party.

Presented on stage by his spouse, Akshata Murty, Mr. Sunak expressed that his journey from modest origins to becoming a prominent figure in the government demonstrates that Britain is not a discriminatory nation, despite assertions from the Left. Furthermore, he challenged the Labour party regarding transgender rights by asserting that it is logical to acknowledge that a man is male and a woman is female.

Rishi Sunak invoked Margaret Thatcher yesterday as he laid out a 'bold and radical' policy blitz to transform Britain – and rebuild Tory fortunes. Pictured: Rishi Sunak with his wife Akshata Murty

Yesterday, Rishi Sunak referenced Margaret Thatcher as he presented an ambitious and innovative plan to revolutionize Britain and improve the Conservative Party’s standing. The image shows Rishi Sunak alongside his wife, Akshata Murty.

The Prime Minister unveiled plans to phase out smoking, sparking an immediate Tory revolt. And he set out proposals to axe A-levels and replace them with an 'Advanced British Standard'

The Prime Minister revealed intentions to gradually eliminate smoking, causing an immediate rebellion among the Conservative party. Additionally, he presented suggestions to eliminate A-levels and introduce a new qualification called ‘Advanced British Standard’.

Rishi Sunak was introduced on stage by his his wife Akshata Murty (pictured)

Rishi Sunak’s wife, Akshata Murty (shown in the picture), introduced him on stage.

Ms Murty paid tribute to her husband, praising his ‘aspiration’ and his commitment to ‘doing the right thing for the long term, even when it is hard’.

During a speech focused on policy matters, Mr. Sunak:

  • The Manchester portion of HS2 was canceled, which received criticism from Boris Johnson and David Cameron. Instead, the £36 billion saved will be invested in a new plan called ‘Network North’ to enhance transportation links in the North and Midlands regions.
  • Proposed intentions to incrementally increase the legal smoking age annually, thereby ensuring that individuals who are currently 14 years old will never have the opportunity to purchase cigarettes legally.
  • Implement a ten-year strategy to revolutionize education for individuals aged 16 and above, which will entail students being obligated to pursue five subjects instead of the typical three A-levels.
  • Announced £30,000 tax-free recruitment and retention bonuses for teachers in key areas, allowing schools to provide more teaching time;
  • He promised to provide tax cuts after inflation is controlled.
  • Announced a crackdown on the marketing of vapes, to tackle the ‘worrying’ rise of teenage users;
  • Accused Keir Starmer from the Labour party of excessively discussing Europe and cautioned that he cannot be relied upon to handle Brexit.
  • He suggested that he might consider withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights in the event that judges oppose his asylum proposal for Rwanda.
  • Announced a ‘life means life’ policy for the worst sexual and sadistic killers.

Mr. Sunak, positioning himself as a catalyst for transformation following three decades of unsuccessful political agreement, declared at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester: ‘We will demonstrate courage. We will adopt revolutionary approaches. We anticipate opposition and we will confront it head-on.

“We are committed to providing the nation with what it desperately requires, but has frequently been deprived of: A proactive administration capable of making decisions for the long run, enabling us to construct a more promising future for all. There is no question about it: The moment for a transformation has arrived, and we are the ones who will bring it.”

Mr Sunak likened his background as a pharmacist’s son, to the humble origins of Baroness Thatcher.

He stated that the party associated with the grocer’s daughter and the pharmacist’s son will forever be the party of business and initiative.

And, in a thinly veiled criticism of predecessors Mr Johnson, Theresa May and Mr Cameron, he pledged to shatter a three-decade ‘consensus’ that has taken hold since Baroness Thatcher left Downing Street.

In a major gamble, Mr Sunak brushed aside protests from his No 10 predecessors and confirmed the northern leg of HS2 will be axed in favour of billions of pounds of regional transport upgrades

Mr Sunak made a bold decision by disregarding objections from previous No 10 leaders and announcing that the northern section of HS2 will be cancelled in order to allocate funds towards extensive regional transportation improvements.

“I cannot reword.”

Allies admitted that the risky one-hour speech aimed to demonstrate Mr. Sunak’s vigor, innovative thinking, and resolute attitude required to lead the Conservatives for a fifth term in government next year.

The Prime Minister additionally urged Sir Keir to be transparent about Labour’s government proposals, alleging that he is attempting to secure victory in the upcoming election without presenting his own agenda.

Yesterday morning, Mr Sunak convened an urgent Cabinet meeting to update them on HS2. Additionally, he engaged in crisis discussions with Andy Street, the mayor of West Midlands, who strongly opposed the proposal and was reportedly considering resignation.

Mr Street expressed his deep disappointment with the HS2 decision and described it as a painful process. However, he clarified that he would not leave the Conservative Party, even though he had extensively contemplated his future within the party. Despite Prime Minister Johnson’s strong opposition and his warning that abandoning the Manchester line would betray the North, the decision to terminate the prominent levelling-up project was made.

Mr. Sunak claimed that the project, which has seen costs increase from £30 billion to approximately £100 billion, exemplified the failure of consensus.

He did not express any ambition in just adding more and more money to the incorrect project. The business case for the line was significantly weakened due to changes in travel patterns after Covid. He promised that all the savings would be invested in alternative projects that would provide the same or even more government investment, but with faster outcomes.

Mr. Sunak stated that the commitment to gradually eliminate smoking would put an end to the primary cause of preventable health issues, disabilities, and fatalities. He recognized that it is challenging for a conservative government to impose limitations on personal freedom, but emphasized that the desire for our children to not become smokers influenced his decision.

The Prime Minister stated that the decision on legislation would be determined through a vote by Members of Parliament, without any restrictions.

Sunak’s Snapshots 

Invoking Maggie

‘This Conservative Party, the party of the grocer’s daughter and the pharmacist’s son, will always be the party of enterprise, the party of small business.’

Party that offers real opportunities to migrants 

What opportunities does the Conservative Party provide for immigrant families? They have the potential to hold positions such as energy secretary, business secretary, home secretary, foreign secretary, and even the opportunity to become prime minister.

Champions of diversity 

During Queen Victoria’s reign, our country witnessed the appointment of its initial prime minister from an ethnic minority background. Additionally, we have had three female prime ministers in the past, and I am proud to be the first leader of non-white descent in our nation’s history. In contrast, the last three leaders of the Labour party all reside within a small area in north London.

The proud husband 

My wife is undoubtedly the most beneficial choice I have ever made for a more promising future.

Starmer’s backing for Corbyn 

‘Sir Keir Starmer might want us to forget about his repeated support for Jeremy Corbyn, but we never will. You can never trust Labour with our country’s security.’

Labour’s cynicism 

The Labour Party has established their strategy: to minimize their actions and statements in the hopes of going unnoticed.

Common sense on wokery 

‘We shouldn’t get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be. They can’t – a man is a man and a woman is a woman. That’s just common sense.’