
Brad from MAFS UK was reportedly removed from the show due to his controlling and toxic actions.

According to reports, Brad Skelly has been removed from the show Married At First Sight UK due to his behavior towards his wife Shona Manderson, which was described as ‘controlling’ and ‘manipulative’.

The 27-year-old model has faced criticism for how he has treated the 31-year-old Performing Arts teacher. Show experts have had to step in and caution that his actions could potentially be harmful.

Fans criticized Brad for being ‘controlling’ when he discussed ‘allowing’ Shona’s emotions in the episode that aired on Wednesday.

It has been recently announced that the producers of the show have taken a firm stance and removed him from the series.

According to a source who spoke to The Sun:The connection with Shona was becoming unhealthy.The bosses intervened before the situation escalated.

Axed: Brad Skelly has reportedly been kicked off of Married At First Sight UK after he displayed 'controlling' and 'manipulative' behaviour towards wife Shona Manderson

Brad Skelly has allegedly been removed from Married At First Sight UK due to his exhibited behavior of being ‘controlling’ and ‘manipulative’ towards his wife, Shona Manderson.

Shocking: The model, 27, has come under fire for his treatment of the 31-year-old Performing Arts teacher, with show experts having to intervene as they warned his behaviour could become 'dangerous'

Shocking: The model, 27, has come under fire for his treatment of the 31-year-old Performing Arts teacher, with show experts having to intervene as they warned his behaviour could become ‘dangerous’

In the upcoming episodes, it is rumored that dating coach Paul Carrick Brunson will inform Brad and Shona that they need to depart.

A Channel 4 spokesman told the publication: ‘If any relationships on MAFS UK develop in a way that is deemed unhealthy we take expert advice as to whether the couple should leave the process. This was the case with Brad and Shona. Support is available at all times.’

It comes after Women’s Aid spoke out about Brad after he shocked viewers with actions such as telling Shona to ‘shut up’ and claiming ‘he allows her’ to feel emotions. 

The charity emphasized the significance of the experts on the show addressing Brad’s controlling behavior and questioning his belief that it was acceptable for him to dictate Shona’s emotions by granting or denying her permission to feel angry.

TV shows of this nature, centered around relationship development, should be mindful of the dynamics of controlling and coercive actions. It is crucial for them to consistently convey a strong message that such behavior is completely unacceptable.

Initially, viewers of MAFS UK were supportive of Brad and his wife Shona, believing that they were well-suited for each other during the wedding. However, the couple’s relationship has encountered difficulties in recent times.

In the recent episode, Brad silenced Shona and implied that she was acting in an emotionally immature manner when she expressed her disappointment regarding the doubts from the other couples.

During the commitment ceremony, the couple discussed the conflict, but Brad hastily labeled Shona as ’emotionally immature’ before mentioning his intention to ‘educate’ her about managing her anger.

Manipulative: Fans even went as far as to slam Brad for being 'controlling' after he spoke about 'allowing' Shona's feelings in Wednesday's episode

Fans criticized Brad for being controlling when he mentioned “allowing” Shona’s feelings in Wednesday’s episode.

Fuming: Viewers were quick to take to X, formerly known as Twitter, to fume over Brad's 'manipulative' and 'controlling' language

Fuming: Viewers were quick to take to X, formerly known as Twitter, to fume over Brad’s ‘manipulative’ and ‘controlling’ language

He astonishingly stated: ‘Although I lack authority or the role of a teacher, I wonder if she will ever learn if I let her become angry.’

Mel Schilling, an expert, quickly addressed Brad about his language and interrupted him when he attempted to speak for Shona. Brad was also cautioned that his actions could potentially be harmful.

And viewers promptly turned to X, previously referred to as Twitter, to express their anger over Brad’s ‘manipulative’ and ‘controlling’ language, labeling his actions as ‘disgusting’.

At the commitment ceremony, Brad discussed the argument they had at the dinner party and expressed his opinion that they were at ‘varying stages of emotional development’.

He stated that when it is unnecessary, he finds it difficult to understand why Shona feels the need to get involved, as they are at different levels of emotional maturity.

Following encouragement from the specialists, Shona inquired, “Do you believe I lack emotional maturity?”

Brad responded by stating that he believed there were certain characteristics present.

Shona later confessed that she was uncertain about her emotions. She mentioned that her instinctive response at the dinner party was to question why other couples were rating them poorly in terms of compatibility.

Brad expressed, “I reside within myself, so my primary concern is my internal state. This is the point I was attempting to convey to Shona, as they seem to have a sense of entitlement.”

However, Paul, an expert, commented on Brad’s action of telling Shona to ‘shut up’ at the party, stating, “You did not give Shona the opportunity to express her emotions in that particular moment. I wanted to tell Brad to calm down!”

Brad responded by stating that although he lacked authority or the role of a teacher, he questioned whether allowing her to experience anger would facilitate her learning process.

The comments made by Brad left the other couples visibly shocked. Expert Mel confronted Brad about his remarks and interrupted him when he attempted to speak on behalf of Shona.

When questioned about whether she perceived him as attempting to educate her, Shona replied, “Yes, he resembles my instructor.”

“He will undoubtedly attempt to articulate his emotions, but occasionally it may come off as distant and severe,” she remarked.

Paul, an expert, emphasized that a romantic relationship between a teacher and a student is never successful.

Mel inquired, “Shona, I would like to hear your viewpoint on this matter. Does he deliver sermons to you?”

‘Controlling’: During the dinner party, Brad wasted no time in labeling Shona as ’emotionally immature’ and then proceeded to mention the idea of ‘educating’ her.

Awkward: Shona told how she does feel like Brad is her teacher and told how she feels he is 'above' her sometimes, with the experts warning them that could be 'dangerous'

Shona expressed her feelings about Brad, stating that she sees him as her teacher and occasionally feels inferior to him. Experts cautioned them about the potential risks associated with this dynamic.

However, Brad began to respond by saying, “I suppose you could-” but Mel interrupted him, stating, “I’m directing the question to Shona.”

When questioned about feeling ‘equal’ to Brad, Shona responded by saying: ‘There are times when I perceive him as being superior to me, but that’s just how I see things in general.’

Brad was subsequently cautioned about his choice of words, specifically the term ‘allow’. In response, he confidently stated, “Without a doubt, I strongly desire to grant her the freedom she needs.”

However, the experts responded by saying, “There is no need to grant her permission to do anything. She is your equal, an independent thinker, and has valuable contributions to offer. We are highlighting this issue because these patterns can potentially become harmful.”

Although Brad considered the feedback, he later accused the show producers of depicting him as a ‘narcissist and bully’, asserting that he is not controlling in any manner.

Brad took to Instagram on Wednesday to address his followers, expressing that it is common for people to form opinions on situations they have never experienced firsthand. He acknowledged that various factors contribute to these situations.

‘For one there were plenty of scenarios where me and Shona conversed with others and weren’t all over each other physically and weren’t arguing. There was a lot more going on, however, it’s all that shown of us because it makes great television 

Everyone is involved and has formed opinions about me, but not as much about Shona.

Awful: It comes after Women's Aid spoke out about Brad after he shocked viewers with actions such as telling Shona to 'shut up' and claiming 'he allows her' to feel emotions

Awful: It comes after Women’s Aid spoke out about Brad after he shocked viewers with actions such as telling Shona to ‘shut up’ and claiming ‘he allows her’ to feel emotions

You lack a complete understanding of the situation, making it a potentially difficult and overwhelming environment for all parties involved.

He acknowledged feeling “frustrated” with the situation and added that when you are not getting along with someone, it can lead to frustrations and conflicts. He took full responsibility for his actions.

that I cannot control or predict. However, once I am in those situations, I accept complete accountability for my choices and behavior.

I am receiving comments that portray me as narcissistic and a bully, but that is not an accurate reflection of my true character. People who know me in person can attest that I am not the person depicted in these comments.

‘It doesn’t disregard my actions being what they’ve been but everything I’m doing is with the intention to help – there’s never any malice at all.’

Continuing with conviction, Brad emphasized, “I lack any inclination towards being controlling – those who are familiar with me on a personal level are aware that I do not possess a single controlling trait.”

If I have told Shona “you’re allowed to feel,” it does not mean that I am granting permission. It is my way of expressing that as a human being, she has the right to experience every emotion that comes her way. I understand how this may have been misunderstood, but there seems to be a lot of confusion in our communication.

Revealing he had sought advice from fellow MAFS stars, he continued: ‘Everybody that I’ve spoke to that’s been in this situation themselves understand that things become a pressure cooker and when you’re prodded and feeling a bit suffocated and you’re tying to roll with it and trying to make things work and things are heated it can – you can really project frustrations and it’s difficult to watch.

Bad edit: While Brad took the feedback on board he later blamed show producers for portraying him as a 'narcissist and bully', insisting that he is no way controlling

Bad edit: While Brad took the feedback on board he later blamed show producers for portraying him as a ‘narcissist and bully’, insisting that he is no way controlling

I am revisiting possibly all of my most negative aspects that are magnified.

I have never had the intention to make someone feel bad about me in my entire life, so Shona and I definitely continued to communicate after the show ended. We stayed in touch and have a good relationship.

While watching a TV show, remember that its purpose is to entertain. Therefore, it is important not to assume that every person portrayed on the show is exactly as they appear on the surface. This particularly applies to myself, as I am not what I seem on the outside.

Shona has recently shared her response to watching the scenes again, acknowledging that it was uncomfortable to watch and stating that she will not tolerate such behavior in the future.

Sharing a picture of herself on the show, she penned: ‘In this moment I’m trying to be so positive and give it all I’ve got because I’m really trying to believe in us and what I was feeling was so intense and heightened. 

The past two evenings have been difficult to observe, and I anticipate tonight will be even more challenging. I acknowledge the insecurities I possess, as this experiment has truly brought them to light.

Initially, I was uncomfortable with the group discussing us in a negative manner. I must confess that I desire to be well-liked, but I also felt the need for confirmation because I had a gut feeling that there was some truth to what people were saying. I found myself attempting to convince myself of this truth.

I was deeply enamored in that relationship, and I became so engrossed that I lost myself. While attempting to protect our bond, my voice was suppressed. I can hardly recall that occurrence.

Difficult: Shona revealed how she reacted to watching the scenes back, admitting it made for 'uncomfortable viewing' and insisting she 'will never again put up with this behaviour'

Shona disclosed her response to watching the scenes again, acknowledging that it was uncomfortable to watch and stating that she will not tolerate such behavior in the future.

It is challenging to comprehend the same things that others can observe and to witness the current situation from an external viewpoint. It feels uneasy to experience the emotions that arise within me while observing what others have already seen, and now you are witnessing it unfold as we do for the first time.

There are numerous factors at play in our relationship that I could extensively discuss. Many events occur behind the scenes and are not shown on camera, including both positive and negative experiences.

Above all, it is crucial for me to recall the progress I have made since that time. Throughout this experience, I have gained a wealth of knowledge, making it a significant learning opportunity and ultimately resulting in a remarkably positive outcome.

‘You grow through what you go through and never again will I put up with this behaviour. Finally, thank you for your support and kind words it means so, so much xxx #mafsuk.’ 

Married At First Sight UK: Meet the series eight contestants

Name: Arthur 

Age: 34

From: London

Occupation: Tennis coach 

Reason: ‘I am prepared to discover the person I will spend the rest of my life with’

Name: Ella

Age: 29

From: Weston-Super-Mare

Occupation: Clinic Consultant

Reason: ‘This experiment holds significance beyond my marriage alone. I perceive it as a significant milestone for someone who has undergone a transition.’

Name: Brad 

Age: 27

From: Grimsby

Occupation: Model

Reason: ‘I have complete faith in the experts’ ability to find a suitable match for me’

Name: Jay

Age: 31

From: Lancashire 

Occupation: Sales manager 

Why: Hopefully, they’ve found someone who is right for me and I do have faith that everything happens for a reason’

Name: Georges

Age: 30

From: Surrey

Occupation: Sports Rehabilitator 

I expressed to the Experts my commitment to give 120%. I have faith in them and I will also have faith in the process.

Name: Laura

Age: 34

From: Hampshire

Occupation: Finance Manager

I am hoping for a positive result and really don’t want to go through another divorce.

Name: Luke

Age: 30

From: Clacton

Occupation: Sales executive

Why: ‘I possess a highly adaptable mindset and believe in my ability to overcome challenges and create something meaningful. I simply wish for her to share a similar perspective.’

Name: Peggy

Age: 32

From: Kent

Occupation: Technology risk partner

Reason: ‘I desire a romantic partner who can also fulfill the role of my closest companion’

Name: Nathanial

Age: 36

From: Manchester

Job title: Manager specializing in marketing for events

I have a lack of trust in others, but I am hopeful that they have performed well. That is the extent of my comment.

Name: Porscha 

Age: 36

From: London

Occupation: Executive assistant 

I’m attempting to avoid overthinking the fact that I will be marrying someone I don’t know at all, as it might cause me to become anxious.

Name: Paul

Age: 26

From: Chesham

Occupation: Account manager

Reason: ‘I desire for the experts to physically bring my closest companion and soulmate directly to me’

Name: Rosaline

Age: 28

From: Crewe

Occupation: Florist

I am filled with anticipation, yet I am also experiencing a sense of unease. It doesn’t seem tangible.

Name: Terence 

Age: 40

From: Reading

I am employed as a Youth Worker and also work as a DJ.

Reason: ‘I am eagerly anticipating it and feeling enthusiastic. The only aspect that concerns me is whether she will have a positive opinion of me.’

Name: Shona

Age: 31

From: Nottingham

Occupation: Performing arts teacher

Why: ‘My happily ever after would be for him and I to go through the experiment and really try and grow together’

Name: Thomas

Age: 27

From: Wiltshire

Occupation: Investment communications

Reason: ‘I am filled with anticipation about meeting this individual and discovering the potential collaborations we could engage in.’

Name: Tasha

Age: 25

From: Leeds

Occupation: Childcare assistant 

Why: ‘I trust the experts to help me find my perfect match – the Ant to my Dec!’



Name: JJ

Age: 30

From: Essex

Occupation: Owner of a fashion brand

Why: ‘I couldn’t locate anyone, so when these individuals appeared, it felt like the right choice for me’

Name: Bianca

Age: 29

From: Buxton

Job: Hair Extension Specialist 

Why: “I observed that all my acquaintances were starting families and getting married, which led me to ponder if there is a compatible partner for me as well.”





Name: Jordan

Age: 26

From: Sheffield

Job: Personal trainer 

Why: ‘I have faced challenges in the past when trying to find the perfect individual.’




Name: Erica

Age: 25

From: Dance teacher

Occupation: Instructor of dance and manager of social media

I have always desired to find stability and have the assurance of a lifelong partner who can also be my closest companion.