
Moment Israeli woman learns husband’s body is found during interview

Heartbreaking moment Israeli woman learns her husband has been killed by Hamas: New mother is filmed passing her baby to relative as she is told her husband’s body has been found after he went missing following the horrific Kfar Aza massacre

This is the heartbreaking moment an Israeli mother learns that the body of her husband has been found after he disappeared in the Kfar Aza massacre.

Shaylee Atary and her daughter Shaya escaped after more than 24 hours of hiding while Hamas terrorists tried to break into their home in the Kfar Aza kibbutz – where gunmen massacred families, including 40 children, in an attack which has shocked the world.

The Israeli singer was being interviewed by Sky News about her husband, Yahav Winner, who had been missing since the kibbutz – popular with young parents – came under attack from some 70 Hamas terrorists at dawn on Saturday. 

Footage – which the family has given permission to be aired to highlight the horrors of war – shows Ms Atary clutching her one-month-old newborn as she tells reporters that her filmmaker husband could be ‘injured somewhere’ or ‘kidnapped’.

During the interview, Ms Atary is seen speaking to her mother, who is sitting on the floor in the hallway, holding her head in her hands. She had just received distressing news from the Israel Defence Forces over a phone call.

This is the heartbreaking moment that an Israeli mother learns that the body of her husband has been found during a TV interview after he disappeared in the Kfar Aza massacre

During a TV interview, an Israeli mother receives devastating news that her husband’s body has been discovered following his disappearance in the Kfar Aza massacre.

Shaylee Atary is pictured with her husband Yahav Winner and their newborn child. Yahav's body was found

Shaylee Atary is pictured with her husband Yahav Winner and their newborn child. Yahav’s body was found

This graphic (above) shows how the horrifying Hamas massacre on the Kfar Aza kibbutz unfolded

This graphic (above) shows how the horrifying Hamas massacre on the Kfar Aza kibbutz unfolded

Ms Atary found out the sickening news via her mother who had received a phone call from the IDF. Here, she is pictured with her husband

Ms Atary found out the sickening news via her mother who had received a phone call from the IDF. Here, she is pictured with her husband

The young lady continuously cries out ‘Ma, Ma’ while her mother remains quiet – however, other relatives intervene and take the baby from her grasp so she can inquire about the situation.

After receiving the devastating news of her husband’s death, Ms. Atary breaks down into uncontrollable wailing as her grieving relatives gather around her. The video’s narrator discloses this heartbreaking moment.

Stuart Ramsay, the chief correspondent for Sky, expressed during the interview that this is the terrifying reality of war. The family has given their permission to showcase this footage in order to provide a better understanding for everyone.

Earlier this week, during a different interview, Ms. Atary shared her experience of having to seek refuge in a warehouse with her infant, enduring 27 hours without access to food or water, as Hamas militants committed a terrifying massacre.

Ms Atary reported that she sought refuge in a storeroom, where she shielded herself and her infant with sacks of soil. Upon hearing the approaching gunmen, she swiftly dashed across the lawn while being targeted by the terrorists’ gunfire.

She found refuge with a family who allowed her to seek shelter in their secure room until they were saved. “I have no idea about our location,” she expressed. “They left us behind. They were active on Twitter, that’s where they were.”

The IDF eventually rescued the mother and daughter who had suffered from smoke inhalation, and they were then transported to a hospital.

According to, Mr. Winner was awarded the top prize for cinematography at this year’s Tel Aviv International Students Film Festival for his short film titled The Boy.

The horror at Kfar Aza started right after sunrise when the majority of the 400 inhabitants were either asleep or having their morning meal accompanied by coffee.

The first wave of 70 terrorists had roared towards the quiet kibbutz on motorbikes after tearing through the border wire a mile away, while others paraglided over Israel’s unsuspecting defences from Gaza.

In a separate interview earlier this week, Ms Atary (with husband) had revealed how she had to hide in a warehouse with her baby with no food or water for 27 hours while Hamas militants carried out a horrifying massacre

Earlier this week, during a separate interview, Ms. Atary (accompanied by her husband) disclosed her experience of seeking refuge in a warehouse with her infant for 27 hours. They endured this ordeal without access to food or water, as Hamas militants perpetrated a terrifying massacre.

Ms Atary (R) is an Israeli singer while Yahav Winner (L) was a filmmaker. He is understood to have won the best cinematography prize at this year's Tel Aviv International Students Film Festival, according to

Ms Atary (R) is an Israeli singer while Yahav Winner (L) was a filmmaker. He is understood to have won the best cinematography prize at this year’s Tel Aviv International Students Film Festival, according to

Israeli soldiers walk beside the bodies of Hamas militant killed in Kfar Aza kibbutz on Tuesday

On Tuesday, Israeli soldiers are seen walking alongside the bodies of Hamas militants who were killed in Kfar Aza kibbutz.

Troops remove the bodies of victims, killed during an attack by Hamas terrorists in Kfar Aza, on Tuesday

On Tuesday, the bodies of individuals who were killed in an attack by Hamas terrorists in Kfar Aza are being taken away by troops.

Upon their arrival, the compound was immediately assaulted by fighters who were heavily armed. The attack occurred from four different directions, commencing with the area known as the ‘baby quarter’ on the western side, which housed young families.

A panicking kibbutz guard and a few residents with military background, who were on patrol around the area, encountered the terrorists as they observed a horde of dark figures rapidly approaching them.

The individuals, similar to the Israeli military and government, were not ready for the sudden attack of terrorists who relentlessly shot at them. Despite their efforts to defend their neighbors, the small security team was unable to repel the terrorists and tragically lost their lives in the battle.

The ruthless Hamas gunmen moved quickly through the kibbutz, first killing a 90-year-old grandmother who had been sitting on her porch when the terrorists arrived. They dragged the terrified pensioner into her living room and shot her twice in the head.

Families were woken to the terrifying sound of gunfire and voices outside their homes. Terrified parents ran to their sleeping children and pulled them from their beds and cots before bundling them into saferooms or cupboards.

Itay and Hadar Berichevsky, both aged 30, were among the parents who heard the gunmen attempting to forcefully break into their home.

The terrified parents frantically put their ten-month-old twin babies into a hidden shelter moments before the Hamas terrorists stormed into their home and shot the couple dead. 

Ms Atary (with husband who was found dead) said she ran into a storeroom before covering her and her baby with sacks of soil. When she heard the gunmen getting closer again, she ran across the lawn as the terrorists fired at her

Ms Atary, who was accompanied by her deceased husband, stated that she sought refuge in a storeroom and shielded herself and her baby with bags of soil. Upon hearing the approaching gunmen, she hastily crossed the lawn while being targeted by the terrorists.

Itay and Hadar Berdichevsky (pictured with babies), both 30, had mere seconds to react when they heard the gunmen trying to smash down their front door

Itay and Hadar Berdichevsky, who are both 30 years old, had only a few moments to respond upon hearing the assailants attempting to forcefully break into their residence.

The terrified parents frantically bundled their two babies into a hidden shelter moments before Hamas terrorists shot the couple dead

The frightened parents hastily placed their two infants into a concealed shelter just before Hamas militants fatally shot the couple.

The terrorists proceeded in a methodical manner, going from one house to another, using rocket-powered grenades to force open the front doors. They then fired a barrage of bullets at the residents, including men, women, and children. According to soldiers, entire families were restrained with handcuffs before being shot at close range, one by one.

Israeli soldiers later revealed that up to 40 infants and young children were brutally killed in this kibbutz, with some even being decapitated. Disturbing visuals captured at the site depict a baby’s car seat stained with blood, accompanied by a blood-soaked dress belonging to the child.

The Hamas militants deliberately ignited multiple houses in the kibbutz with the twisted intention of coercing the families to evacuate, in order to ambush and shoot them upon their arrival in the garden.

Omar Barak, a 24-year-old officer in the Israeli army, stated to the Times of Israel that numerous individuals chose to perish in the fires rather than being murdered by the terrorists.

Several individuals attempted to escape from the terrorists, but a large number of them were ruthlessly shot and left lifeless on the grass outside their residences.

One survivor told EuroNews: ‘The terrorists came into every home, into every home, every place. They would burn their house with them inside so they would die.

“I cannot reword.”

Hamas terrorists beheaded babies and gunned down entire families in their homes in a small kibbutz in Israel, Israeli soldiers have claimed

Israeli soldiers have claimed that Hamas terrorists committed acts of beheading babies and shooting entire families in their homes in a small kibbutz in Israel.

An IDF soldier  covers his face before removing the body of a civilian killed days earlier in an attack by Hamas terrorists on Tuesday

On Tuesday, an IDF soldier conceals his face while retrieving the body of a civilian who was killed in an attack by Hamas terrorists several days ago.

Israeli soldiers search for the bodies of Israelis killed in Kfar Aza kibbutz near the border with Gaza on Tuesday

On Tuesday, Israeli soldiers are conducting a search for the deceased Israelis in Kfar Aza kibbutz, which is located near the Gaza border.

A soldier is overcome with emotion as he searches for bodies in the kibbutz

A soldier is overcome with emotion as he searches for bodies in the kibbutz

The assault happened with such speed and synchronization that the coffee they were drinking during their Saturday morning meal was still sitting on the table in a family’s house. Their kitchen floor was now covered in blood and broken cups.

Officer Davidi Ben Zion, the deputy commander of paratrooper team Unit 71, stated that it took the Israeli army a duration of 12 hours to arrive at the kibbutz.

However, the violence did not stop at that point. The terrorists made a determined effort to maintain their hold on the kibbutz, causing harm to innocent people and engaging in gunfire with the soldiers.

Soldiers recounted to the BBC the scene of ‘chaos, with terrorists scattered everywhere’ upon their arrival at the kibbutz. One soldier expressed the immense challenges faced during the fighting, stating, ‘It is unimaginable how difficult it was.’

The kibbutz was retaken by Israeli soldiers after a three-day operation, resulting in the elimination of the Hamas terrorists.

Israeli troops moved from one residence to another, in search of individuals who had managed to survive.

Surprisingly, the Israeli soldiers managed to rescue the twin babies, who were only ten months old, from the concealed shelter. They were then safely delivered to their grandmother by the soldiers.

Israeli soldiers patrol burned and destroyed houses after the attack by Hamas

Israeli soldiers are conducting patrols in the aftermath of the Hamas attack, inspecting houses that have been burned and destroyed.

A charred house after an attack by Palestinian terrorists on the kibbutz on Tuesday

On Tuesday, the kibbutz was targeted by Palestinian terrorists, resulting in a house being left in a charred state.

A house left in ruins after an attack by Hamas militants on this kibbutz days earlier when dozens of civilians were killed near the border with Gaza on Tuesday

A kibbutz was left devastated following an assault by Hamas militants a few days ago, resulting in the tragic deaths of numerous civilians near the Gaza border on Tuesday.

A dead civilian lies under a blanket outside a house in the kibbutz near the border with Gaza on Tuesday

On Tuesday, a deceased civilian is seen covered by a blanket outside a house in the kibbutz located near the Gaza border.

The aftermath of the devastating attack carried out by Hamas terrorists in this small community is the bodies of parents and their children, filled with bullet holes, and the burnt remnants of their homes.

Throughout the town, walls and torched cars are riddled with bullet holes, tracing a path of violence that continues inside to bedrooms with mattresses spattered in blood, safe rooms that could not withstand the attack 

Soldiers and mortuary teams dedicated several hours to gather the bodies of numerous victims, estimated to be approximately 150. The bodies of young children, who had been brutally killed by the terrorists, were carefully wrapped and placed in body bags that were larger than necessary.

After witnessing such horrifying scenes, including the bodies of entire families who were shot while sleeping, the Israeli soldiers were observed providing comfort to one another.

“I cannot reword”

Missiles launched from the Gaza Strip toward the Israeli city of Ashkelon interrupted by the Israeli air defense system of Iron Dome, 10 October 2023

On October 10, 2023, the Israeli air defense system known as Iron Dome successfully intercepted missiles that were fired from the Gaza Strip towards the city of Ashkelon in Israel.

The remains of a supermarket which was struck by Hamas rocket attacks this afternoon

The remains of a supermarket which was struck by Hamas rocket attacks this afternoon

A survivor, surrounded by shattered glass and burned-out cars, inspects the debris

A survivor, surrounded by shattered glass and burned-out cars, inspects the debris

Smoke billows from a burning building after the rocket attacks which targeted multiple cities across Israel

After the rocket attacks that struck various cities in Israel, thick smoke rises from a building engulfed in flames.

“I have had the experience of being both a combat soldier and officer for a span of 39 years,” Veruv expressed. “I have never witnessed anything that resembles this situation. It surpasses the knowledge even our parents possessed. It is reminiscent of the events that occurred in Europe during the time of our grandfathers, such as the pogroms and the Holocaust.”

On Saturday, Veruv arrived at Kfar Aza with the intention of participating in the conflict. However, on Tuesday, he called upon the international media to witness and report on the events that transpired at that location.

Veruv, with red eyes, recalled the instance when General Eisenhower ensured that the media was promptly informed about the liberation of concentration camps in Germany by the American army, once he became aware of the situation here.

The stench of bodies was heavy in the air as the soldiers showed journalists the kibbutz, popular amongst families. The small football nets where children would have played football were seen on a pocket of grass – but in the background, the bodies of families were laid on the ground. 

Major David Ben Zion, 37, a reservist called up to try to rescue any survivors, told The Independent: ‘We saw dead babies, girls. We succeeded in saving some of them but we found most dead in their houses. They came with just one mission – to kill more and more of our people.’ 

Outside one of the small houses of the kibbutz. the body of a resident was covered by a purple sheet with a bare foot protruding. A pillow and other objects from the house lay scattered.

Elsewhere bodies of the gunmen lay face down on the ground. A destroyed gate at the perimeter of the kibbutz showed where the gunmen had entered.

Military spokesman Maj Doron Spielman compared the toll in Kfar Aza and nearby villages he visited to scenes he witnessed as a New Yorker after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

An Israeli army self-propelled howitzer fires rounds near the border with Gaza in southern Israel on October 11

On October 11, a self-propelled howitzer from the Israeli army launched projectiles in the vicinity of the Gaza border in southern Israel.

“He expressed his recollection of experiencing the events of 9/11 and the profound impact it had on the following day and week, as everything seemed to have transformed. Now, history seems to be repeating itself, but with even more severity due to our nation’s relatively limited size.”

After the Hamas terrorists were killed, the danger was not over. It took soldiers approximately 30 to 40 minutes to search every house because there were numerous unexploded grenades scattered on the floor.

Soldiers were continuing to ensure the safety of the kibbutz’s pathways, where charming single-story houses with verandas, palm trees, and banana plants were located. In the background, distant sounds of gunfire and explosions could be heard.

In one part of the kibbutz, where residents had kept the lawns tidy outside their modest homes, lay the ruins of a motorised glider used by the militants to fly over the border. Next to it lay a crumpled Hamas flag in the dirt. 

Kfar Aza, surrounded by farms and just a few minutes down a country road from the heavily fortified fence Israel erected around Gaza, was one of more than 20 towns and villages attacked by Palestinian fighters early Saturday. 

The younger soldiers who had battled their way through the kibbutz found it difficult to discuss their firsthand experiences.

“One soldier expressed that we are facing a lengthy war ahead. Once the war is over, there will be an opportunity to process and reconcile with the experiences witnessed here.”