
The woman who consumed 48 oysters during a date is now questioning what went awry, causing her disbelief.

  • The woman loudly consumed shellfish at Fontaine’s Oyster House in Atlanta.
  • They had been exchanging text messages for several weeks before she finally agreed to have dinner with him.
  • After going to the bathroom, he did not come back, and surprised individuals are supporting him.
  • A video of a woman loudly devouring 48 oysters at a restaurant in Georgia during a first date has gained widespread attention online.

    EquanaB, a woman on TikTok, shared in a video [content advisory: explicit language] that she went on a date at Fontaine’s Oyster House in Atlanta. During the dinner, she ordered and consumed four dozen oysters, causing the situation to take a turn for the worse.

    The woman became furious upon discovering that her date had left the restaurant while she was waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. It seemed that he was disgusted by her excessive craving for shellfish.

    However, despite EquanaB’s shock at her date’s actions, those who viewed her TikTok video were swift to blame her instead.

    A TikTok user expressed their opinion, stating that they were unsure which aspect was more unpleasant: having 48 oysters as an appetizer or the excessive slurping and smacking noises.

    The women ordered and slurped 48 oysters while out on a first date with a man she had met a few weeks prior while out with friends

    The woman consumed 48 oysters during a first date with a man she had previously met a few weeks ago while socializing with friends.

    While waiting for her date to come out of the bathroom, the woman, who goes by the name EquanaB on TikTok, was angered to learn that he had left the restaurant

    While waiting for her date to come out of the bathroom, the woman, who goes by the name EquanaB on TikTok, was angered to learn that he had left the restaurant

    Her discarded oyster plates quickly stacked up as she powered through four dozen oysters

    As she devoured four dozen oysters, the plates they were served on accumulated rapidly.

    At the beginning of her video, EquanaB shared that she had encountered her date a couple of weeks ago while hanging out with friends. She mentioned that the man had been sending her text messages consistently for several weeks.

    She continued by saying that she was feeling bored and had some free time when he messaged her asking if they could meet up for drinks.

    The woman questioned why she hadn’t blocked her future date and then entered the restaurant.

    She exclaimed, “They have the most incredible oysters in Atlanta.”

    On Tuesdays, Fontaine’s Oyster House offers a dozen oysters for $15. This was the chosen day for the pair to meet up for drinks.

    Most of the video displays the women consuming the oysters by making loud sucking sounds while they enhance the taste with lemon and tabasco sauce.

    She refrains from showing him on camera. She acknowledges that her date gave peculiar expressions, but she expressed indifference towards it.

    She said, “I was thinking, since you invited me, I’m going to have a meal.”

    After consuming the 48 oysters, the woman proceeded to request crab cakes and red-skinned potatoes, praising them as being of excellent quality.

    The woman’s companion disagreed, and upon informing her that he needed to use the restroom, he departed and never returned.

    She stated that it had been 10, 20, 30 minutes and she had to ultimately pay for the bill, leaving her with just one frustrating drink.

    The man eventually sent her a text message saying, “I suggested treating you to drinks, but you ended up ordering a lot of food. I can transfer the total amount for the drinks through Cashapp.”

    'I was like, "Baby, you invited me out - I'm going to eat,"' said TikToker EquanaB

    TikToker EquanaB stated, “I responded by saying, ‘Since you invited me, I’m going to have a meal.'”

    She met up with her date at Fontaine's Oyster House in Atlanta. The oysters there start out at $15 a dozen every Tuesday, which is when the pair agreed to have drinks

    She rendezvoused with her companion at Fontaine’s Oyster House in Atlanta. The price for a dozen oysters there is $15 on Tuesdays, which is the day they decided to enjoy some drinks.

    The man ran away but did end up texting her and offering to pay for the drinks

    The man fled but eventually sent her a text, offering to cover the cost of the beverages.

    Fontaine's Oyster House in Atlanta is said to have delicious food and they have a special 'Oyster Tuesday' where the seafood starts at $15

    Fontaine’s Oyster House in Atlanta is renowned for its delectable cuisine, particularly their exclusive ‘Oyster Tuesday’ promotion featuring seafood options starting at $15.

    The woman said: 'It's been 10, 20, 30 minutes... Had to end up grabbing the tab... Left me with his one f****** drink."

    The woman expressed frustration, stating that she had waited for 10, 20, and 30 minutes but eventually had to pay for the bill herself. This left her with only one drink.

    The woman added lemon and hot sauce before slurping the oysters

    Before consuming the oysters, the woman included lemon and hot sauce and then proceeded to slurp them.

    People on TikTok have been siding with the woman's date - many of whom said they would've done the same thing her date did

    Many TikTok users have been supporting the actions of the woman’s date, with several expressing that they would have made the same choice.

    Once she finished the 48 oysters, the women ordered crab cakes and red-skinned potatoes, which said were a 'ten out of ten'

    After consuming all 48 oysters, the women proceeded to order crab cakes and red-skinned potatoes, describing them as exceptional with a perfect rating of ten out of ten.

    The manager of the restaurant, Kelcey Flanagan, expressed to Rolling Stone that she was not taken aback by the situation, stating, “This is not something unexpected for us. It was actually quite amusing.”

    ‘I’ve had two ladies order six dozen [oysters] each. That’s not even the cherry on top – they were drinking white Russians.

    I must admit, it has been a while since I saw a woman consume that much food… it’s quite remarkable.

    Despite being the one who had to pay, the woman’s date is receiving overwhelming support from TikTok users.

    Someone commented that having 48 oysters all to oneself is crazy.

    Another person said: ‘I’m here hollering bc you was slurping up them oysters and that man was plotting his escape.’

    “A TikToker expressed their satisfaction with his departure, as they believed that being in close proximity to him was likely an unpleasant experience.” 

    One user on X expressed the desire to locate him in order to listen to his perspective.

    After her $11 restaurant tip received attention, the woman uploaded another TikTok video in response to a comment.

    She stated that she had $11 in cash and $15 remaining on her card.

    It remains uncertain whether they had any further communication following the unsuccessful date, but the woman confessed to covering the cost of his beverage.