
Bloodhound spaniels are deployed as secret weapon in war on bedbug explosion

Spaniels are turning into bloodhounds as Britain’s new secret weapon in the fight against the bedbug explosion.

The clever pups can track down infestations in seconds that might stump even experienced humans, owners claim. They are coming to the rescue all over the UK as families battle to stamp out the blood-sucking pests.

Bedbugs can hide for up to a year without feeding on blood, often bunking down in mattress seams, skirting boards and plug sockets until they detect humans. Brian Leith, of BDL Canine Services in South Lanarkshire, said: “It could take someone in pest control 20 minutes to find the bedbugs, if they can find them.”

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He added: “To search the whole floor of a hotel is very time-consuming for humans. My boy can sometimes find them in less than ten seconds.”

The specially trained dogs can sniff out bedbugs in under 10 seconds
The specially trained dogs can sniff out bedbugs in under 10 seconds

The dog handler, 60, works with a four-year-old sprocker – a mix of cocker and springer spaniel – called Benjy. They visit up to five properties a day in Scotland and the north of England, charging £150 to £350 for an average three-bedroom house.

Lucy Currie, from Otley, West Yorkshire, has been hunting the parasites for two years with her English springer spaniel, Floyd.
She said: “Floyd loves it. He has the stupidest expression when he finds the bedbugs. It’s a game to him and then he gets the tennis ball.

“For people with bedbug infestations, though, it can be really distressing. There is a shame around it because they have a horrible reputation for being in dirty houses, but bedbugs don’t discriminate.”

Bedbugs often hide in mattress seams, skirting boards and plug sockets
Bedbugs often hide in mattress seams, skirting boards and plug sockets

The bedbug “sniffer dogs” can be trained at several schools, including those run by the Bed Bug Foundation (BBF) and the National Association of Security Dog Users. Some hotels now use them every three months to detect infestations early.

They are more in demand than ever in the wake of international panic over surging bedbug numbers. The insects have caused chaos in Paris, with infestations reported in schools, cinemas, hotels and trains.

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