
Jaw-dropping IDF bodycam footage shows troops take out Hamas up close

‘From the air, sea and land!’: Jaw-dropping Israeli bodycam footage shows IDF members taking out Hamas in close quarters

Israel’s military has made a commitment to defeat Hamas using air, sea, and land forces. Recent footage indicates that they are already engaging with the terrorists, with a ground assault expected in the near future.

The IDF shared disturbing video footage depicting Israeli soldiers shooting at Hamas soldiers who were attempting to escape by swimming in the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, there is another video showing an airstrike that the army alleges targeted and killed a Hamas leader who was allegedly involved in planning the deadly attacks on October 7.

Last week, footage surfaced showing individuals who seem to be the initial Hamas fighters trying to cross the border between Israel and Gaza. In the video, IDF troops stationed at the observation post can be heard shouting, “Commander, commander, we are engaged in a conflict!”

The IDF announced on Saturday that it is getting ready to increase their offensive actions by implementing various operational plans. These plans involve a combined and synchronized attack from the air, sea, and land.

Ahead of the incursion into Gaza, special forces have been conducting sorties within the occupied Palestinian territory to take on Hamas fighters and gather information on the 155 hostages captured by the terror group eight days ago.

A speedboat purporting to carry Hamas soldiers burns in footage captured on October 7 by an Israel Defense Force soldier operating a boat-mounted machine gun

A speedboat purporting to carry Hamas soldiers burns in footage captured on October 7 by an Israel Defense Force soldier operating a boat-mounted machine gun

A soldier manning the belt-fed machine gun mounted on the IDF boat feeds a new set of ammunition into the gun as his comrades fire on Hamas fighters in the water

A soldier operating the belt-fed machine gun on the IDF boat loads fresh ammunition into the weapon while his fellow soldiers engage in combat with Hamas fighters in the water.

Israeli soldiers fire on Hamas soldiers as they swim for their lives from the burning remains of the boat they had hoped to use to invade the country

Israeli soldiers fire on Hamas soldiers as they swim for their lives from the burning remains of the boat they had hoped to use to invade the country

In footage released by the IDF recorded on October 7, a group of men in the centre of the frame (around the crosshair) are seen moving towards the Israel-Gaza border fence

In footage released by the IDF recorded on October 7, a group of men in the centre of the frame (around the crosshair) are seen moving towards the Israel-Gaza border fence 

An explosion scatters the Hamas fighters as Israeli troops inform their senior officers that they are 'at war' with the militants

Israeli troops notify their senior officers that they are engaged in a conflict with the Hamas fighters, causing the militants to disperse due to an explosion.

Footage of the explosion that the Israel Defense Force claims killed a top Hamas commander who was instrumental in plotting the murderous October 7 attacks

Footage of the explosion that the Israel Defense Force claims killed a top Hamas commander who was instrumental in plotting the murderous October 7 attacks

Israel has been utilizing social media to disseminate anti-Hamas content, sharing videos of their actions against the terrorist organization in an attempt to gain more backing. Additionally, they have invested in advertisements on X (formerly known as Twitter) and YouTube.

A stark three minute video released on YouTube by an IDF-aligned channel showed Israeli troops firing on a boat said to contain Hamas fighters in the Mediterranean Sea on the morning of October 7 – the day of Hamas’ murderous attack on Israel.

The Israeli troops, belonging to the 916th Patrol Squadron as reported by the Times of Israel, swiftly approach the scene in their own boat and shoot the terrorists as they try to escape to safety in the water while their boat is on fire.

The soldiers, who are part of the Snapir harbor protection force, employ a mix of assault rifles and a machine gun attached to the boat to neutralize the Hamas militants. They also resort to throwing grenades into the water.

“In a statement, the IDF reported that the Snapir fighters engaged in gunfire with the terrorists during a naval chase.”

The fighters successfully stopped several terrorists while at sea, and they continued to prevent terrorists upon reaching the coastline.

The IDF has also made public a video showing individuals who are believed to be initial Hamas fighters trying to enter Israel by land on October 7th.

The video, which appears to have been filmed from a border observation post, shows what are claimed to be a dozen people running towards the fence separating Israel from Gaza, with two motorcycles.

The soldiers from the IDF stationed at the post are thought to have mentioned in English subtitles, “There appears to be a group of twelve individuals heading towards the fence.”

‘Are there two motorcycles, Roger? We require a response.’

Israeli soldiers and tanks near the Gaza border in Netivot, Israel on October 15; Israel has spent days mustering resources along the Gaza border ahead of an expected ground assault

Israeli soldiers and tanks are positioned near the Gaza border in Netivot, Israel on October 15. Israel has been gathering resources along the Gaza border for several days in preparation for an anticipated ground attack.

IDF soldiers preparing for the expected ground invasion of Gaza in the border city of Ashkelon on October 15

On October 15, IDF soldiers in the border city of Ashkelon were getting ready for the anticipated ground invasion of Gaza.

Israel has embarked on a shock and awe campaign of bombardment in the Gaza Strip since the October 7 attack. It maintains that the strikes have targeted Hamas operations

Since the October 7 attack, Israel has initiated a campaign of intense bombardment in the Gaza Strip. Israel asserts that these strikes have specifically aimed at disrupting Hamas activities.

A woman sits over an injured child who was caught in an Israeli air strike, at Shifa hospital in Gaza City, on October 15

On October 15, at Shifa hospital in Gaza City, a woman attentively cares for a child who has been injured due to an Israeli air strike.

The body of a Hamas militant lies in situ in Kibbutz Be'eri, Israel on October 11

The body of a Hamas militant lies in situ in Kibbutz Be’eri, Israel on October 11 

Gunshots are fired from the observation post, and there is an explosion in the vicinity where the men are running. The cause of the blast remains unknown.

After the explosion subsides and the armed individuals are observed withdrawing, another soldier comments: ‘Leader (censored), Leader (censored), we are engaged in a conflict.’

After Hamas’ assault on Israel, resulting in an approximate death toll of 1,300 Israelis, the nation has initiated a retaliatory campaign by bombarding locations in Gaza City that it claims to be Hamas targets.

According to the IDF, video footage taken from above and made public on Sunday reveals an airstrike that resulted in the death of Bilal al-Kedra, a high-ranking Hamas commander who played a role in organizing the October 7 attack.

The IDF’s X, previously known as Twitter, account posted a message along with a video stating that Bilal al-Kedra, the commander of the Nakhaba force in the South Khan Yunis battalion of Hamas, was killed by IDF warplanes in the Gaza Strip. He was responsible for the attack on Kibbutz Nirim and Nir Oz. The operation was conducted with intelligence guidance from the Shin Bet, Israel’s security service.

‘Furthermore, members of the terrorist group Hamas, along with individuals from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, were neutralized.’

The Israeli military asserts that it launched strikes on more than 100 military objectives in Zeytun, Khan Yunis, and West Jablia located in the Gaza Strip. These targets reportedly included Hamas facilities, launchers, and anti-tank positions.

Yesterday, the IDF also announced that they had eliminated Matez Eid, who served as a commander in the southern district of Hamas’ national security wing.

The sun sets on Northern Gaza - as seen from the Israel side of the border fence separating the country from the occupied Palestinian territory

The sun sets on Northern Gaza – as seen from the Israel side of the border fence separating the country from the occupied Palestinian territory

Mourners grieve during the funeral of an Israeli doctor, Daniel Levi Ludmir, who was reportedly killed by Hamas terrorists while treating the wounded amid the October 7 attacks

Mourners grieve during the funeral of an Israeli doctor, Daniel Levi Ludmir, who was reportedly killed by Hamas terrorists while treating the wounded amid the October 7 attacks

Benjamin Netanyahu met with troops at the Israel-Gaza border on October 14, telling them: 'More is coming'

On October 14, Benjamin Netanyahu visited the Israel-Gaza border and addressed the troops, assuring them that there would be further developments.

Earlier this week, the military made public the footage recorded by body cameras during a raid on an Israeli compound located close to the Gaza border, which had been taken over by Hamas militants.

The astonishing video depicts the work of Shayetet 13, an elite squadron of naval commandos who are Israel’s answer to the US Navy SEALS and specialise in counter-terrorism operations.

While carrying out the mission, the IDF successfully saved 250 individuals held captive, eliminated 60 members of Hamas in combat, and apprehended 26 additional individuals, one of whom was a prominent figure within the extremist organization.

Hamas troops have been carrying out missions within the Gaza Strip in order to rescue the hostages taken behind Palestinian lines by Hamas last week. 

However, one such raid led to confirmation that some of the captives had been killed; Hamas claims that hostages were killed in Israeli air strikes. 

Ahead of the expected IDF mass ground incursion into Gaza – for which tanks and other armoured vehicles have been gathered on the border between Israeli and the occupied territory – a former Israeli special operator has suggested troops could be holding off because of new intelligence about the welfare of the hostages.

Aaron Cohen informed Fox News on Sunday that the alleged reason for the delay, which was attributed to unfavorable weather conditions, might actually be a strategic move to allow for additional time to gather significant and useful information about the hostages before conducting any rescue operations.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, 2,670 individuals from Gaza have lost their lives since Israel initiated its counter-attack on Hamas on October 7. Israel, on the other hand, asserts that Hamas has caused the death of 1,400 people thus far.

The total number of deaths on both sides exceeds 4,000, prompting international observers to urge the opening of humanitarian aid corridors in Gaza. These corridors would facilitate the delivery of essential supplies such as food, water, medicine, and power.

Israel has ordered 1.1million Gazans in the north of the Strip to evacuate ahead of the ground assault – an all-or-nothing order that has been met with condemnation by the World Health Organisation, which said it was ‘tantamount to a death sentence’ for those being treated at the 22 hospitals in the area.

However, Israel prime minister Benjamin Netenyahu – who has been criticised over perceived inaction in rescuing hostages – has vowed to ‘demolish’ Hamas with the upcoming incursion into Gaza City.

Netanyahu stated that Hamas believed they would be destroyed, but it is actually Israel who will bring about the destruction of Hamas.