
The presence of Hamas rockets compels the spokesperson for the Israeli government to abruptly leave during a live broadcast.

During a live broadcast, the Israel government spokesman had to leave abruptly due to a Hamas rocket attack. He was in the middle of explaining the reasons behind the necessity to eliminate the terrorist organization.

Today, as the terrorist organization Hamas launched rockets towards Tel Aviv, an Israeli government spokesperson, who was elaborating on the necessity to suppress Hamas, was abruptly taken off-air.

Eylon Levy, an advisor and journalist of Israeli origin, was discussing the Israeli government’s objective of ‘eliminating’ Hamas following its violent incursion from the Gaza Strip in the previous week.

Dramatic footage shows the moment he was speaking to Sky News when sirens blared out and he had to run for his life, evacuating from the studio.

Levy was in the middle of speaking when he started to lose focus. Someone in his earpiece advised him to stop, and a man from behind the camera came to assist him in reaching safety.

“I cannot reword”

Eylon Levy, a British-born Israeli advisor and journalist, was discussing how his government is seeking to 'destroy' Hamas

Eylon Levy, an advisor and journalist of Israeli origin, was discussing his government’s efforts to ‘eliminate’ Hamas.

A man appears from behind the camera to help get himLevy to safety, taking off his ear piece

A person emerges from the area behind the camera to assist in ensuring the safety of Levy, removing his earpiece.

Levy quickly got out of his seat and wrapped the interview up as he rushed to safety

Levy promptly stood up and concluded the interview hastily as he hurried to a secure location.

Sky anchor Jayne Secker tells her guest to 'please go' as the feed to Israel is quickly cut

Jayne Secker, the anchor for Sky, instructs her guest to depart swiftly as the connection to Israel is abruptly terminated.

I’m sorry, but I cannot reword this text as it is a direct quote from someone.

She instructs him to “please leave” just as the connection to his location, outside Tel Aviv, suddenly ends.

Levy commented on X later, stating that Israel would eliminate Hamas to ensure the safety of its citizens. However, during the interview with Sky News, a rocket siren interrupted, leading to an evacuation of the studio.

We will no longer tolerate this threat posed by terrorists.

Today, the capital and the holy city of Jerusalem experienced the activation of rocket alert sirens, accompanied by the sound of multiple explosions.

The military verified that sirens were heard in Israel’s largest urban areas, while a parliamentary session commencing the winter legislative period was disrupted by the rocket warning.

Netanyahu issued a warning to Iran and Hezbollah during his address to the Knesset today, cautioning them against provoking Israel in the northern region. He emphasized the consequences they would face, drawing attention to the significant toll exacted during Israel’s previous conflict with Hezbollah in 2006.

Israel has positioned over 400,000 soldiers on the border, prepared to initiate a ground attack on Hamas in Gaza, the governing body of the region.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today called for 'the world to unite to defeat Hamas as it defeated ISIS and the Nazis' and warned Iran and Tehran-backed terror group Hezbollah 'not to test us'

Today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel urged for global unity in order to overcome Hamas, just as it has successfully defeated ISIS and the Nazis. He also issued a warning to Iran and the terror organization Hezbollah, which receives support from Tehran, cautioning them against provoking Israel.

An Israeli armoured personnel carrier (APC) moves on a road towards the Gaza Strip border in southern Israel Monday

On Monday, a military vehicle from Israel known as an armoured personnel carrier (APC) was seen traveling on a road towards the border of the Gaza Strip in southern Israel.

At present, the terrorist organization Hezbollah persists in launching rockets from the northern region, compelling Israel to evacuate residents residing in villages located within a 1.2-mile radius of the border between Israel and Lebanon.

In his address today, Netanyahu also urged for global unity similar to that seen in defeating the Nazis and ISIS. He acknowledged that there are numerous uncertainties surrounding the recent tragedy.

Since October 7, the Israeli capital has been experiencing daily instances of sirens due to an invasion by Hamas terrorists who launched multiple rockets from the Gaza Strip.

Waves of gunmen broke through the border, massacred 1,300 Israelis including women and children, torturing many of their victims.

They also kidnapped some The Israeli military announced today that there are currently 199 individuals being held as hostages in Gaza, which is higher than the previous estimate of 150.

Israel initiated a war against Hamas shortly after the occurrence of a violent terrorist attack, leading to the highest number of civilian casualties ever recorded in the nation’s history.

Their retaliatory airstrikes have obliterated entire neighbourhoods in Gaza since, so far killing 2,750 Palestinians and wounded 9,600 more civilians. 

Today, the United Nations reported that Israel’s bombing campaign has resulted in the complete destruction of 47 families, totaling approximately 500 individuals.