
David Cameron takes swipe at Boris Johnson in his first House of Lords speech

David Cameron has used his first speech to the House of Lords as Foreign Secretary to mock Boris Johnson’s hopes of political comeback.

Ripping into his former Bullingdon Club pal, Lord Cameron stated he had no intention to “take back control” after his personal shock return to the federal government in Rishi Sunak’s reshuffle final week.

It got here after the ex-PM was formally welcomed to his function within the higher chamber as Lord Cameron of Chipping Norton. In his maiden speech on Tuesday, Lord Cameron, who stop No10 in 2016 hours after the Brexit vote, stated it was a “surprise” to be requested to return to authorities.

Mocking Mr Johnson he stated: “It was a surprise to be asked. I have not been sitting like some latter-day de Gaulle at Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises waiting to be asked, how shall I put it, to take back control.

“Nor am I Cincinnatus hovering over my plough. I go away all classical allusions, and certainly illusions for that matter, to a different former prime minister with whom I shared quite a lot of academic experiences.”

In his farewell speech outside No10 last September Mr Johnson sparked speculation that he hoped to return to frontline politics as he compared himself to the 5th Century Roman statesman Cincinnatus.

“Like Cincinnatus, I’m returning to my plough and I can be providing this Government nothing however probably the most fervent assist,” Mr Johnson said at the time. Mr Johnson, who studies Classics at Oxford University, did not mention Cincinnatus later returned from his farm to lead Rome for a second time during a period of crisis.

Addressing peers in the House of Lords, Lord Cameron also joked the upper chamber was a “vital improve” from his “now-infamous shepherd’s hut”. During his time in the political wilderness the former Tory leader purchased a £25,000 hut to write his memoirs detailing his time in No10.

He said on Tuesday: “It is really an honour to face right here at this despatch field and make my maiden speech on this House. I’ve all the time revered the work that’s accomplished right here, so typically a affected person, diligent and regarded praise to the opposite place.

“And I hope to play a full part in your Lordships’ House.” He added: “When I look at the ornate, carved wooden panels that surround us and compare them to my now-infamous shepherd’s hut, I can tell you this is already a significant upgrade”.

Lord Cameron additionally insisted he’ll solutions questions from friends on a month-to-month foundation whereas the Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell will deputise for him within the Commons. He stated he’s “happy to consider other appropriate mechanisms so that Parliament is able to scrutinise all the work of my department”.

He famous that he’s not the primary peer to take a seat within the Cabinet – with Lord Mandelson, Lord Adonis and Lord Frost additionally doing so in latest occasions. The former prime minister stated: “Lord Mandelson sent me a particularly charming welcome, but he pointed out that I am a comeback novice and this is only my first one compared with his three.

“I suppose my response needs to be that to make three comebacks you want each his prodigious expertise and you might want to be sacked twice by the Prime Minister, which is a destiny I’m hoping to keep away from.”