
Working mother and father and disabled Brits terrified after Autumn Statement

‌Jeremy Hunt and his Autumn Statement have been met with a spherical of applause from his fellow Tories within the Commons yesterday – however a few of Britain’s most at-risk residents are afraid of the brand new modifications.

As the Chancellor delivered his speech, he praised Conservative austerity for bringing the financial system “back on track” whereas including that he’ll lower taxes and push for enterprise development forward of subsequent 12 months’s General Election.

The Chancellor introduced a lower to National Insurance – however didn’t unfreeze the brink for if you begin paying tax, that means extra persons are nonetheless being dragged into paying taxes. He additionally introduced punishingly more durable new profit sanctions, which might see claimants lose their proper to perks like free NHS prescriptions in the event that they fail to search for work.

Those who’re already feeling the squeeze because the Cost of Living disaster grips Britain tight for the second winter in a row, together with individuals claiming incapacity profit, single working households and retirees, worry they may undergo additional beneath Hunt’s directive.

The Mirror has spoken to a bunch of individuals about how the Autumn Statement will have an effect on them…

Disabled mum

Disabled mum-of-two Tracy Davies and her household depend upon incapacity advantages. The 59-year-old from Cheshire, who suffers from fibromyalgia, lives along with her husband and full-time carer Paul and their two grownup kids, Hanna and Adam, who’re each severely autistic.

She is now fearful she’ll be pressured to search for work, after the Chancellor introduced plans to chop advantages of people who find themselves unemployed, however not on the lookout for work because of long-term illness or incapacity. Instead, some individuals will probably be advised they need to do business from home if they’ll.

Tracy Davies, 57, mum-of-two from Cheshire
Tracy Davies, 57, mum-of-two from Cheshire

Tracy claims Employment and Support Allowance and Disability and Living Allowance, whereas Paul claims Carers Allowance. She says: “This statement is going to upset and scare a lot of people who are on disability benefits.

“I’ve been on sickness benefits for 20 years, while looking after both my children who can’t fend for themselves. But recently both my children were called in for a review of their benefits, even though my daughter doesn’t even speak and my son can’t cope with any kind of interaction with people.

“Now I’m worried they will tell them they have to work, or that I have to work from home because I’m not actively looking for work, even though I can barely get dressed on my own.

“I think this will be an even bigger worry for anyone with mental health issues, because people really go to pieces if they think they might have the little they survive on taken away.

“Some of the other things, like benefits going up, are welcome, but I think it’s the Tories trying to win votes and save their a***ses before the next election.”

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Retired pensioner

Peter Marciniak, 72, and his spouse Jayne, 67, personal their very own house in Nottingham. The former painter and NVQ assessor says the Chancellor’s pledge to honour the state pension triple lock is a “huge relief” – however he thinks extra must be achieved convey costs down.

The state pension will rise by 8.5% subsequent April, according to the triple lock assure. Before the Autumn Statement, right here had been rumours that the Chancellor may use a decrease determine of seven.8% to extend the state pension.

Peter Marciniak, 70, retired from Nottingham
Peter Marciniak, 70, retired from Nottingham

He says: “All pensioners were worried about our pensions doing down, because prices are still way too high and we’re still feeling the squeeze.

“After working all our lives we want to enjoy our retirement, but it’s difficult at the moment, and we didn’t know what we would do if pensions didn’t at least rise at the rate of inflation.

“Everything is still going up, from my Sky TV package to the trip to Blackpool we used to go on every year, which is now too expensive for us. Electric is still going up, but at least both of us got £250 heating allowance this year which will help this winter.”

He welcomed plans to cease advantages of the long-term unemployed. “Back in the 70s I signed on the dole and I remember getting paid more in benefits than what I’d been earning. It’s wrong because there’s no incentive to get another job.”

Single working mum

Carly Newman lives along with her six-year-old son Ezra in a privately-rented flat in New Cross, South East London. The 36-year-old works as a senior supervisor for a nationwide charity 4 days per week.

She welcomes a rise to the minimal wage – however stated it’s not sufficient. The National Living Wage will rise to £11.44 per hour – up from the present £10.42 – from subsequent April. The age threshold can be being lowered from all these over-23 to all these over-21 for the primary time.

Carlyl works as a senior manager for a charity
Carlyl works as a senior supervisor for a charity
Reach Commissioned)

She says: “An increase in the minimum wage is welcome but it’s not enough, there’s no way people can comfortably live on £11.44 in the current climate and with how much things have increased.

“The same with the increase in Universal Credit, it’s good they kept it in line with inflation but it’s unlikely to be enough to meet people’s basic needs at a time when everything costs so much, especially housing.

“We’ve also heard them promising more housing year on year and never seen it, homelessness has increased, many people can’t afford their mortgages and rents are at an all time high.

“There was also no change to the requirement for parents on benefits to now work 30 hours. This disproportionately impacts single parents like me and does nothing to address the barriers that we experience, like unaffordable childcare – it’s a complete con.”