
Landlords face crackdown over harmful damp and mildew beneath Awaab’s Law

Rogue landlords will face strict new cut-off dates for coping with harmful hazards corresponding to damp and mildew beneath authorities plans.

It follows the dying of two-year-old Awaab Ishak in 2020 from a respiratory situation attributable to mould at his residence in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. An inquest into the toddler’s dying heard his residence was “unfit for human habitation”.

Under Awaab’s Law, which was handed by MPs final summer time, the federal government stated it is going to clamp down on social landlords who fail to offer secure houses for tenants.

A session launched by ministers on Tuesday proposes new authorized necessities for landlords to research emergency hazards together with damp and mildew inside two weeks. They will even be pressured to start fixing points inside an additional 7 days and make emergency repairs inside 24 hours. The authorities insists landlords who fail to conform might be dragged to court docket and ordered to pay compensation.

Housing Secretary Michael Gove stated: “The tragic death of Awaab Ishak should never have happened. His family have shown courageous leadership, determination and dignity to champion these changes and now it’s time for us to deliver for them through Awaab’s Law. Today is about stronger and more robust action against social landlords who have refused to take their basic responsibilities seriously for far too long.

“Alongside Awaab’s Law, our landmark Social Housing Act will drastically improve the quality of life in social housing, granting residents a proper voice to fight those who think they can cheat the system and ensuring rogue landlords face the full force of the law.” We will force them to fix their homes within strict new time limits and take immediate action to tackle dangerous damp and mould to help prevent future tragedies.”

Last yr grim figures confirmed lots of of hundreds of children have been being pressured to reside in substandard houses with damp, mould, and infestation points.

Social housing campaigner Kwajo Tweneboa added: “As we know many families across the country are still living in homes with damp and mould, creating misery but more worryingly risks their health and safety. I’m pleased to see Awaab’s Law reach the consultation phase and hope that it goes far enough to prevent other families going through the tragedy Awaab’s family have had to. It’s crucial the government are able to make sure this law has teeth and is enforced for it to work as intended.”