
US is ‘pushing Middle East battle into new realm’ for key motive, professional says

The United States and President Joe Biden are pushing battle within the Middle East “into new realms that it doesn’t need to go,” an professional has warned.

This comes as three American personnel have been killed in a drone strike orchestrated by Iranian-backed militia.

President Joe Biden mentioned Sunday that the U.S. “shall respond” after three American troops have been killed and dozens extra have been injured in an in a single day drone strike in northeast Jordan close to the Syrian border. This is simply the newest escalation within the proxy warfare unfolding within the area.

READ MORE: Inside horror Jordan drone assault that killed 3 US troops in ‘very deliberate escalation’

Armed supporters of Yemen's Huthi rebels attend a rally in solidarity with the Palestinian Hamas movement's armed resistance against Israel in the capital Sanaa on January 29
Armed supporters of Yemen’s Huthi rebels attend a rally in solidarity with the Palestinian Hamas motion’s armed resistance in opposition to Israel
AFP by way of Getty Images)

Dr Andreas Krieg, Senior Lecturer School of Security Studies at KCL and Fellow on the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, spoke to The Mirror concerning the ever esclating battle. He mentioned that the tensions are rooted within the ongoing warfare in Gaza: “It’s all a part of the identical battle. We must be very clear, that what is going on throughout the area is straight linked to what’s taking place in Gaza.

“The efforts of the Americans and the Israelis to disassociate these activities from the war in Gaza is misleading. Because all of it is connected to Gaza. And I’m convinced once we see a deescalation in Gaza and once the US actually puts pressure on Israel to bring the war to an end or at least lessen its intensity, then the Iranian proxies in Iraq will de-escalate.”

US President Joe Biden speaks during the South Carolina's First in the Nation Dinner at the South Carolina State Fairgrounds in Columbia, South Carolina
An professional has warned the US’s actions is pushing the Middle Eastern battle into a brand new realm
AFP by way of Getty Images)

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He additionally highlighted how the US may dampen the touchpaper. Dr Krieg mentioned: “It’s the easiest way to de-escalate. But Biden hasn’t done it. It’s going to be a stain on the reputation of the US going forward, but it’s pushing this conflict into new realms that it doesn’t need to go. As Iran acts, the Americans are taking the bait every time rather than addressing the root cause of it which is Gaza. “

Biden blamed Iran-backed militias and Dr Krieg said the strike was likely ‘greenlit’ by Iran. He explained: “Operating throughout the area is a community of various militia. Each with their very own connection to Iran to various levels. There are some which can be even staffed by Iranians. This is community centric warfare. Teams work in a various diploma of autonomy, and use the gear offered by Iran.

Armed tribesmen loyal to Houthis take part in an anti-USA and anti-Israel rally, in Sana'a, Yemen, 29 January 2024
The Houthis have vowed to maintain up assaults on ships within the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, with the goal of ending the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, and in response to US-led retaliatory strikes

‌”It’s a horizontally integrated network. So these actors have a large degree of autonomy. Like Hezbollah for example, they almost have a relationship on par. But using high end technology, particular drones against high value targets would require Iranian knowledge and authorisation. ‌It was at least greenlit.”

‌Until Israel reigns itself in, the battle within the area has each likelihood to accentuate. Dr Krieg mentioned: “What we’re seeing now is a gradual escalation into unknown territory. Each side is trying to push further and further to see how the other side is reacting. It risks overreaction.”