
Politics newest information: Justin Welby mistaken over small boats disaster, suggests Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage has criticised the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby over feedback he made about small boat crossings and the Government’s Rwanda Bill. 

The Most Rev Welby stated yesterday that “we can as a nation do better” than the Bill as he argued the laws paving the way in which for migrant deportation flights to take off was “damaging for our nation’s unity”. 

But Mr Farage stated the Most Rev Welby had not supplied any different “whatsoever”. 

The former chief of the Brexit Party instructed GB News: “He talks about unity. I tell you what, Archbishop, if there was a referendum on this, there would be real unity because a very large majority would say that those that cross illegally shouldn’t be allowed to stay. They shouldn’t be coming via this route.

“But he says we can do better and yet I don’t hear him offer any alternative, whatsoever.”

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