
Chris Wallace Exposes Most Telling Part Of Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview

CNN’s Chris Wallace slammed his former Fox News colleague Tucker Carlson for the “softball interviewhe carried out with Russian President Vladimir Putin that he shared on X, previously Twitter, final week.

“Tucker Carlson showed up in Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin. It turned out to be anything but an interview,” Wallace started on Saturday. “Putin droned on for two hours and seven minutes while Tucker sat there like an eager puppy. Occasionally, but rarely, he got in a question.”

“But more telling than what Tucker asked is what he didn’t ask,” he continued. “Nothing about why Putin invaded a sovereign country, nothing about targeting civilians, nothing about Russian war crimes.”

“A reporter can ask Putin a tough question if he wants a real interview,” Wallace argued, earlier than airing a clip from his personal 2018 interview with Putin when he requested the president, “Why is it that so many of the people that oppose Vladimir Putin end up dead or close to it?”

Wallace defined how in the course of the Cold War, “Gullible Westerners who spread Soviet propaganda were dismissed as ‘useful idiots.’”

“But calling Tucker that is unfair to useful idiots,” he added. “Now he’s made a cynical decision to chase MAGA’s affection for dictators, and what better way to cash in than Putin’s Kremlin.”