
Tucker Carlson Praises Moscow As ‘So Much Nicer’ Than Any U.S. City

Tucker Carlson on Monday stated Moscow “is so much nicer than any city” within the U.S. as he praised Vladimir Putin following his broadly condemned interview with the Russian president amid the continued struggle in Ukraine.

Tucker Carlson Praises Moscow As ‘So Much Nicer’ Than Any U.S. City

In an interview on the World Governments Summit 2024 held in Dubai, Carlson unloaded on President Joe Biden, calling him “senile” and accusing him of bringing down each livings requirements and life expectancy within the U.S. as he stated he was impressed by the Russian capital.

“What was radicalizing, very shocking and very disturbing for me was the city of Moscow, where I’d never been, the biggest city in Europe, 13 million people, and it is so much nicer than any city in my country,” Carlson stated.

“It is so much cleaner and safer and prettier aesthetically, its architecture, its food, its service than any city in the United States,” he continued.

He additionally counseled Putin’s steady reign over the nation, calling him “impressive” even supposing his abuse of energy has been well-documented as he’s anticipated to be reelected to yet one more time period subsequent month.

“It’s hard to run a country like that for 24 years whether you like it or not,” Carlson stated. “So an incapable person couldn’t do that. He is very capable.”

Carlson has lengthy proven sympathy to the Russian chief and a been a vocal critic of U.S. efforts to proceed funding Kyiv.

Putin seems to be reaping the advantages of the platform his two-hour interview with Carlson, the place he largely went unchallenged, provided him and his allies forward of the two-year anniversary of his struggle in Ukraine.

Julia Davis, the founding father of the Russian Media Monitor, shared a clip from an interview Sergey Karaganov, a former Putin adviser and honorary chairman of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, gave to Russian state media, indicating how his allies are ready to make use of his sitdown with Carlson to push misinformation.

“Karaganov argued that Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin demonstrates that the US is retreating” from Ukraine, Davis wrote on X. “He said Russia should escalate the situation to make America retreat even sooner and threatened Germany’s existence in the event of a war with NATO.”

Biden on Tuesday urged the House to carry a vote on the invoice offering extra U.S. funding in Ukraine following its passage within the Senate, emphasizing his dedication to Kyiv.

“Supporting this bill is standing up to Putin,” Biden stated. “We can’t walk away now. That’s what Putin is betting on.”