
Father Of Marine Killed In Afghanistan Arrested After Heckling Biden At SOTU

Steve Nikoui, whose son within the Marines was killed throughout the 2021 evacuation of Afghanistan, screamed at President Joe Biden as he gave his State of the Union speech. Nikoui was arrested. (Watch the video beneath.)

Nikoui appeared to yell “Marines” and “Abbey Gate,” referring to the positioning of a terrorist assault the place Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui and 12 different American troops died because the U.S. army pulled out of Kabul.

TV footage captured the elder Nikoui’s outburst that caught the eye of Biden because the president talked about America being safer below his management. Nikoui is then proven being escorted out of the gallery.

Nikoui was charged with a misdemeanor for Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding, ABC News reported. Capitol Police stated it had warned Nikoui to cease earlier than taking motion.

“This is a routine charge on Capitol Hill. People who illegally demonstrate/disrupt Congress typically are released after they pay a $50 fine, so the misdemeanor charge is resolved without going to court,” officers wrote, per The New York Times.

Videos on social media puportedly present Nikoui, who was a visitor of Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.), out and about after the arrest.

Gold Star households have accused Biden of ignoring the lack of their family members in Afghanistan, Politico reported, and the president has been reluctant to supply comfort as a result of his “poll numbers took a nosedive after the swift fall of Kabul.”

“Biden turned his back on him,” Nikoui advised The Daily Beast in 2021.