
Jimmy Carr is slammed for his ‘impolite’ behaviour on This Morning

Jimmy Carr has been branded ‘rude’ by This Morning viewers after he continuously interrupted chef Clodagh McKenna’s cooking segment on Friday’s show. 

The comedian, 51, was due to chat with hosts Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary but before his segment, he watched the Irish chef and author in the kitchen and couldn’t help make a series of quips.

As Clodagh tended to a chicken carcass she recommended viewers to set in a saucepan, as she introduced three ways of cooking one single chicken, Jimmy interjected: ‘What? Have you not got a bin?’

Smiling, Clodagh kept her composure as she tried to get on with her segment but Jimmy’s interruptions continued. 

‘Pop it in the bin! It’s gone, the chicken is gone’, he insisted, speaking over Clodagh.

Jimmy Carr has been branded 'rude' by This Morning viewers after he continuously interrupted chef Clodagh McKenna's cooking segment on Friday's show

Jimmy Carr has been branded ‘rude’ by This Morning viewers after he continuously interrupted chef Clodagh McKenna’s cooking segment on Friday’s show 

This Morning chef Clodagh kept cool as Jimmy continuously interrupted her cooking segment during the ITV daytime show

This Morning chef Clodagh kept cool as Jimmy continuously interrupted her cooking segment during the ITV daytime show

Jimmy proceeded to mock the chef and talk over her as she boasted the flavour of a chicken broth she’d made, he jibed: ‘Wait until she finds out about stock cubes!’ 

After she had finished cooking, Jimmy joined Alison and Dermot as they tasted the vegetable and chicken dish but the comedian took his quips to another level as he criticised Clodagh’s dish by suggesting it lacked chicken.

Clodagh put on a  polite grin following the comment as Dermot wrapped an arm around the TV chef to comfort her and said: ‘It’s hard work when your being heckled by one of the UK’s comedian’. 

Clodagh took to Instagram after the show and posed for a sweet selfie with Alison and Dermot but no surprise Jimmy was missing. 

Fans quickly took to the comments to say Clodagh was ‘amazing’ despite the ‘rude interference’ throughout her segment.  

‘Well done on biting your tongue with the rudeness of Jimmy Carr and the hosts clearly were mortified.’

‘You were amazing Clodagh under extreme interference!!!’ 

Smiling Clodagh kept her composure as she tried to get on with her segment but Jimmy's interruptions continued, 'Pop it in the bin! It's gone, the chicken is gone', he insisted

Smiling Clodagh kept her composure as she tried to get on with her segment but Jimmy’s interruptions continued, ‘Pop it in the bin! It’s gone, the chicken is gone’, he insisted

Jimmy proceeded to mock the chef and talk over her as she boasted the flavour of a chicken broth she'd made, he said: 'Wait until she finds out about stock cubes!'

Jimmy proceeded to mock the chef and talk over her as she boasted the flavour of a chicken broth she’d made, he said: ‘Wait until she finds out about stock cubes!’ 

Clodagh put on a brave and polite grin following the comment as Dermot wrapped an arm around the TV chef to comfort her and said: 'It's hard work when your being heckled by one of the UK's comedian'

Clodagh put on a brave and polite grin following the comment as Dermot wrapped an arm around the TV chef to comfort her and said: ‘It’s hard work when your being heckled by one of the UK’s comedian’

Clodagh took to Instagram after the show and posed for a sweet selfie with Alison and Dermot but no surprise Jimmy was missing

Clodagh took to Instagram after the show and posed for a sweet selfie with Alison and Dermot but no surprise Jimmy was missing

Fans quickly took to the comments to say Clodagh was 'amazing' despite the 'rude interference' throughout her segment

Fans quickly took to the comments to say Clodagh was ‘amazing’ despite the ‘rude interference’ throughout her segment

‘Jimmy Carr was incredibly rude to you and Dermot and Alison clearly felt awkward. It’s such a shame that the producers didn’t get them to remove him from there or at least point out he was being rude and ruining your item.’

‘Jimmy Carr was funny wasnt he?…NOT!’

‘Felt so sorry for you, Jimmy Carr was just rude and not at all funny.’

‘Jimmy Carr was so rude to you C, you were fab thank you so much’