
Attacks within the Red Sea are escalating, warns delivery big Maersk

Red sea attacks: Container vessels have been rerouted around the southern tip of Africa

Red sea attacks: Container vessels have been rerouted around the southern tip of Africa

Disruption in the Red Sea is getting worse and will reduce the capacity of trade from the Far East to Europe by up to a fifth this quarter, shipping giant Maersk warns.

Container vessels have been rerouted around the southern tip of Africa since the end of last year to avoid attacks by Iranian-backed Houthi militants in the Red Sea.

This in turn has pushed up the rates for moving goods. Consumers in the UK and Europe will be affected if those costs are passed on via price hikes.

In an update yesterday, Maersk said: ‘The risk zone has expanded, and attacks are further offshore.’ 

Maersk estimates that the shipping industry’s capacity between the Far East and Europe will be cut by 15-20pc in the April-June period.