
Real-life Planet of the Apes could possibly be trigged by World War 3, warns AI

A real-life Planet of the Apes scenario could be brought about by World War 3, artificial intelligence has claimed.

The Daily Star sat down for a natter with Chat GPT to get the bottom of what it would take for the real world to end up like the famous Planet of the Apes films. The latest epic in the saga, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, which releases tomorrow (May 9), has got a few nervous individuals at Daily Star towers panicking about the chances of a post-apocalyptic world where Earth is run by chimpanzees actually coming into fruition.

In a bid to reassure these worriers, we turned to the ever-calming, all-knowing artificial intelligence bot ChatGPT to let it know just how worried we are about our own extinction. And, in a response that has only sent pulses soaring, it said that Apes could be put in power by rouge nuclear-weapon-owning states like Vladimir Putin’s Russia or Kim Jon-un’s North Korea.

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“The chances of a real-life Planet of the Apes scenario where apes evolve to the point of dominating or coexisting with humans on Earth are extremely low,” the robot said. “While speculative fiction is fascinating, the conditions that led to such a scenario in the movies are highly unlikely to occur in reality. Evolutionary processes on Earth would need to drastically diverge from what we know, and human civilization would need to collapse for such a scenario to even be remotely possible.”

Nukes and dictators are a classic pairing (file)
Nukes and dictators are a classic pairing (file)

But what are these things? Luckily the chatbot had an answer for everything.

Global Pandemic: A highly contagious and deadly pandemic could devastate human populations, overwhelm healthcare systems, disrupt economies, and destabilise societies.

Environmental Catastrophe: Climate change, extreme weather events, or ecological collapse could lead to widespread food shortages, resource depletion, and displacement of populations.

Bow down to your overlord
Bow down to your overlord

Nuclear War: Global nuclear conflict could result in widespread destruction, loss of life, and radioactive contamination, leading to a breakdown of societies and institutions. The long-term environmental and health consequences of nuclear war could further impede recovery efforts.”

In a surprising moment of self-reflection, artificial intelligence noted that non-other than artificial intelligence could bring about the destabilisation of human society.

Apes could be put in power by the big red button - but they'd still have more to do
Apes could be put in power by the big red button – but they’d still have more to do (stock)

It continued: “Technological Catastrophe: The unintended consequences of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, or nanotechnology, could lead to catastrophic events such as runaway climate change, global surveillance dystopias, or even existential threats to humanity.

Economic Collapse: A severe economic crisis, such as a global recession or financial meltdown, could lead to widespread unemployment, poverty, and social unrest. Economic instability could undermine governments and institutions, leading to political instability and conflict.”

Vladimir Putin frequently dabbles in a bit of apocalypse fear-mongering (file)
Vladimir Putin frequently dabbles in a bit of apocalypse fear-mongering (file)

As well as the collapse of human civilisation, the primates themselves would need to undergo a boost of their own if they were to set up their own society capable of repressing any surviving humans.

The bot added: “Non-human primates would need to undergo a series of evolutionary changes that allow them to develop complex societies, language, technology, and culture similar to what humans have achieved.”

North Korea has been working hard on its nuke collection (file)
North Korea has been working hard on its nuke collection (file)

It said they would need to undergo “Evolutionary Advancements,” “Social Organization,” “ Technological Development,” Resource Acquisition,” and “Environmental Adaptation”.

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