
‘I noticed glowing flaming orb UFO – it was just like the one from 1350s Jesus portray’

A bloke has claimed he saw a “glowing white orb UFO” and it looked exactly like one depicted in the infamous 1300s painting of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.

According to a post on Reddit’s biggest alien forum, the poster – going by the name of Kaiserschleier – was talking to his brother-in-law while in an unidentified countryside when he has his “first experience” of an encounter with a UFO.

Taking to the forum, he said: “I was chatting with my brother-in-law in the countryside when suddenly, I glanced up and spotted a glowing white orb. It swiftly shot away the moment I looked at it, hovering about 20 feet above ground, leaving behind a trail of orange flame-like glow as it moved. It moved swiftly and emitted no sound.

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He saw a flying glowing orb (stock)
He saw a flying glowing orb (stock)

“I was so stunned, I jolted and said ‘What the f**k is that?!’ – my brother-in-law confirmed to have seen the same thing as me, saying that it looked like a flying glowing moon.”

The poster returned later on to add more to his story, to explain that the object he saw look suspiciously like the strange UFO-like object depicted in the 1350s painting of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Located in the Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo, and painted by an unknown artist, the image shows a pretty standard scene of Christ’s crucifixion . . . but what is in the top left and right corners has left people baffled for centuries. It shows two UFO-shaped objects, with people inside, flying across the skyline. And it is those that the original Reddit poster claims he saw.

Was this what the bloke saw in the field . . . ?
Was this what the bloke saw in the field . . . ?

He explained: “Despite its radiant glow, it emitted no illumination onto its surroundings. Its hues of white and orange were exceptionally vivid, yet it remained silent as it traversed in a perfectly straight trajectory, devoid of any audible disturbance even amidst the passage through the air.

“This occurrence defied any rational explanation, unlike anything I’ve ever encountered before. Its proximity ruled out possibilities like a comet or shooting star, as it hovered closer to the ground than the tree canopy.

“I’m left baffled by this enigmatic phenomenon, never before witnessed or heard of, and the mere fact that I bore witness to it fills me with a profound sense of awe.”

So, Daily Star reader, what do you think?

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