
JEFF PRESTRIDGE: Why so many are shunning sensible meters

Some press offices of financial services companies are brilliant at sorting out queries that I pass onto them from readers – many less so.

British Gas, part of Centrica, is currently among the good guys. It recently resolved a long-standing issue that 86-year-old customer Peter Carr had been unable to sort out – and who came to me seeking help. It’s not the first customer complaint I’ve sent its way and, for sure, not the last.

It concerned a smart meter that had gone ‘dumb’, resulting in Peter, a pensioner and carer to his wife Margaret, receiving estimated bills that were off the scale (and that he paid before getting the overpayments refunded). Since September 2023, he had tried to get the issue rectified, but was pushed from pillar to post.

In January, I intervened.

British Gas shouldn’t wait for the likes of myself to come knocking on its door before taking complaints seriously, writes Jeff Prestridge (stock image)

British Gas shouldn’t wait for the likes of myself to come knocking on its door before taking complaints seriously, writes Jeff Prestridge (stock image)

Earlier this month, Peter contacted me to say that the issue had now been rectified. After a bit of a wait, a British Gas engineer turned up at his Manchester home, and as a result his smart meter is now fully functional.

He has also received a ‘small compensation offer’ from British Gas which he has accepted.

Peter, a former teacher in engineering at a further education college, told me: ‘Without your help, I have a distinct feeling that the problem would never been sorted. I am so grateful for the time and effort you have put into assisting me.’

Brilliant though it is that British Gas enthusiastically tackles the customer issues that I bring to its attention, it’s a shame that I have to get involved. Surely, the company should be tackling all customer problems with the same zeal, irrespective of whether they are initiated by customers or come via members of the Press.

British Gas shouldn’t wait for the likes of myself to come knocking on its door before taking complaints seriously.

As for the call from Centrica’s boss Chris O’Shea for households to be forced into having a smart meter installed, I can only assume he has recently had a little bit too much laughing gas.

As his company’s own data indicates, many households won’t touch them with a barge pole.

Some 600,000 British Gas customers have told the utility giant they will never entertain one – while 36 per cent of its 7.5 million clients have ignored offers to have a smart meter installed.

Surely O’Shea would be better spending his time ensuring that those smart meters his company installs actually work – and when they go wrong, as in Peter’s case, they are fixed promptly.

On Friday, Peter said he would be spending his compensation on a slap-up meal for his grandchildren. Enjoy.

Another town abandoned by banks  

The nearest bank branch to Swanage, pictured, is ten miles away from the Dorset town

The nearest bank branch to Swanage, pictured, is ten miles away from the Dorset town

Thanks for all your emails about towns that have been deserted by the high street banks – and the inconvenience caused.

Peter Wakefield says he is incredulous that the coastal town he lives in – Swanage in Dorset – has been left bankless after Lloyds shut last year. He says Swanage is a thriving town, especially in the summer when tourists spend money in its shops, cafes and pubs.

Although a Post Office remains, the nearest bank branch (Lloyds) is now ten miles away in Wareham – a tortuous journey in the summer when the roads are rammed.

Fifty miles west of Swanage, Lyme Regis has suffered a similar fate. It’s both bankless and bereft of a Post Office – with residents and local businesses now dependent on a banking hub (community bank) in Axminster, 13 miles away.

Bankless towns are a growing feature of our country’s landscape. TSB’s decision to axe 36 branches, confirmed a few days ago, will soon mean that towns such as Bude in Cornwall and Tenbury Wells in Worcestershire will also lose their last banks.

Others such as Amble in Northumberland and Crook in County Durham will be dependent upon banking hubs – although these can take an age to set up. Do banks care about our communities? I think you and I know the answer to that question.

Delay Repay train scheme needs to get on track

The Delay Repay scheme provides financial compensation when trains are delayed or cancelled. I use it regularly as a result of the flawed service that South Western Railway and GWR provide for my daily commute into London from Berkshire – and then back home again.

Yet sometimes the scheme is woefully inadequate. Last Sunday was a case in point as I tried to get home after a weekend watching football (West Bromwich Albion) and participating in the AJ Bell Great Run.

What was meant to be a straightforward one-and-a-half-hour journey home from Birmingham to Reading turned into a nightmare as a broken-down train blocked the line at Banbury. The CrossCountry train I was booked on was cancelled as was the next scheduled service. When I eventually got on a train, it crawled like a caterpillar to Warwick Parkway and then stopped.

While the onboard staff were pleasant and apologetic, they had no idea when the train might move again. They opened the doors and allowed us to stretch our legs while we waited … and waited.

When one of the staff said a recovery unit was on its way from South London to remove the broken down train, I decided to take up an offer from a fellow passenger and share a taxi to Oxford – and then catch a GWR train on to Reading.

I got into Reading three hours late, somewhat shattered but determined to get my fare reimbursed (delays of two hours or more qualify for a full refund) plus my share of the Uber fare.

Inexplicably, Delay Repay rejected my online claim. With steam coming out of my ears, I contacted CrossCountry’s customer relations department expecting a verbal punch-up, but I was pleasantly surprised. He said the system couldn’t cope with the split ticket I had purchased – and that he would process the refund himself.

True to his word, an email arrived in my inbox within 15 minutes confirming that a full refund would be paid within ten working days.

Sadly, as far as the taxi fare is concerned, he confirmed that I wasn’t eligible for a refund. Shame.

Split tickets are often the cheapest way to travel by train. Online Delay Repay systems should routinely be able to handle claims from travellers using such tickets.

How do you buy cover? 

My gut instinct tells me more households than ever now pay for car and home insurance on a monthly basis. After all, as premiums spiral skywards, spreading the financial pain over a year makes sense, especially for those on tight budgets.

The response of many insurers, as consumer group Which? has highlighted in recent months, has been to impose interest charges on these hard-pressed customers of more than 20 per cent. As I said in this column seven days ago, it’s a tax on the poor and should be clamped down on by regulator the Financial Conduct Authority.

Although I trust my gut instinct, I want proof. So I asked the august Association of British Insurers (ABI) for the percentage of motor and home policies that are paid for monthly – now and in the past.

Despite boasting of its ‘extensive’ data publications covering everything ‘from motor and property insurance to life assurance and pensions’ – and possessing an army of data and analytics specialists – the ABI couldn’t help. It said: ‘We don’t collect this data’. How strange?

So, have you changed how you buy cover —and in the process got stung by nasty interest charges? Email jeff.prestridge