
Sue Gray courts spies over crackdown on Moscow, Iran and China

Sue Gray is calling in senior security experts to draft Labour’s hostile states policy.

Sir Keir Starmer‘s chief of staff has taken a personal interest in shaping how a Labour government would handle China, Russia and Iran.

A senior party source said: ‘There is work going on with serious people who have had experience working on hostile states threat. She is personally leading the work.’

Before joining Sir Keir’s inner circle, Ms Gray held a senior role in the Cabinet Office, which is where Britain’s National Security Adviser is based. 

That job involves managing the heads of the intelligence agencies – MI5, MI6 and GCHQ – as well as dealing with Britain’s Five Eyes allies – the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Sue Gray (pictured) is calling in senior security experts to draft Labour's hostile states policy

Sue Gray (pictured) is calling in senior security experts to draft Labour’s hostile states policy

Sir Keir Starmer's chief of staff has taken a personal interest in shaping how a Labour government would handle China, Russia and Iran

Sir Keir Starmer’s chief of staff has taken a personal interest in shaping how a Labour government would handle China, Russia and Iran

It is thought the shadow Foreign Office team has been leading the policy work on hostile states, with Ms Gray taking a role in shaping it.

China was last week reported to be behind a cyber attack targeting MoD data, such as staff bank accounts.

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said there was reason to believe the hack ‘was the suspected work of a malign actor’.