
‘I’m match gran who loves sporting shorts – older girls should not be shamed for it’

Meet the grandmother who proudly wears shorts, despite receiving harsh comments from online trolls.

Jacqueline Hooton, a fitness enthusiast from West Sussex, can lift twice her body weight and encourages other women to build their strength as well.

Despite battling osteoarthritis, this personal trainer is on a mission to show that age is no barrier to looking fabulous. With a large Instagram following, Jacqueline shares her positive outlook and handy fitness tips.

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However, even with her impressive physique and uplifting messages, she still faces criticism from trolls who tell her not to wear shorts.

In a recent video, she shared how some keyboard warriors have told her that her knees are “about to break”, but she simply laughs it off. She knows that her knees, regardless of her age, enable her to live, walk, exercise and enjoy life to the fullest.

Her knees have even carried her through the London Marathon in the past, so they can’t be all bad. In fact, she’s incredibly grateful for their continued functionality.

Jacqueline Hooton, 61, opened up about the comments people make about her knees
The grandmother won’t let people get her down

Writing on Instagram, Jacqueline said: “So many women think they can’t wear shorts in the summer or when they exercise or when they are older. Too many women feel embarrassed or ashamed of their legs, thighs, or knees, and worried what others might say.

“Lots of women like me are standing up to ageism and body shaming. I have cellulite, thread veins that weave their way around my right thigh like a garter, and worst of all, osteoarthritis in my knees.

“But my knees aren’t ‘about to break’. They just need careful management which means modifying, adapting and to keep moving. And yes I wear shorts in the summer when I exercise and despite being 61.

“So buckle up, because as the mercury rises. Women of all ages and all shapes and sizes are going to be wearing shorts. Because we can! That’s it, that’s all the excuse we need.”

Jacqueline Hooton, 61, opened up about the comments people make about her knees
Jacqueline is determined to maintain her strength

Since she publicly shared her bold and defiant statement, it has won over more than 18,000 likes from amazed online supporters. They just can’t stomach the harsh criticism aimed at Jacqueline, especially since to their perspective, she is stunningly appealing.

One admirer spouted: “Imagine being a literal GODDESS and still have to explain to men this stuff. Absolutely in awe of you.”

While another said with a tone of indifference: “I don’t know why you even bother to address these haters my friend. You look better and are in better shape than 80% of them.”

A third respondent cheered for her by saying: “You’re absolutely beautiful! Honestly, I’m embarrassed by my legs because they are big but they’ve been that way my whole life.

“I should just accept them. I do workout and do yoga and tai chi 3 days a week.”

Meanwhile, another added their two cents: “My 61 years knees, snap crackle AND pop! My shoulders hurts and hip hurt. My joints ache in the mornings. But they as hike up mountains, backpack and camp in the backcountry and more.”

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