
‘Lies, damned lies and Tory Party stats designed to make you not vote Labour’

When the truth really hurts the Conservatives will lie harder about Labour.

No general election is a clean fight and all 14 I recall were dirty, mud-slinging scraps. Yet this one is shaping up to be worse, woke wars and social media injecting fresh poison.

Tetchy Rishi Sunak, a PM richer than even King Charles and who felt no cost of living crisis when his family’s wealth soared £122million to £651m, will go low.

As will multi-millionaire Chancer of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt who gave a taste of those schoolboy tactics with his fabricated dossier on Labour, which proved there are lies, damned lies and Conservative Party statistics.

Not that Keir Starmer and Labour possess entirely clean hands, supposed Tory threats to the state pension over-heated to say the least.

But the Tory lie machine is cranking into action to create a fantasy vision where the Conservatives are not as bad as voters feel, while Labour would be terrible.

Meanwhile, the Labour operation emphasises everything, and there is a lot, that went badly wrong under the Tories while selling a future vision of happy Labour land often without, it must be admitted, often hefty policies to deliver radical change.

The polls that repeatedly find shirt-sleeved Starmer outrating Sunak as the better PM suggest that expected falls this week in inflation and migration will be of little gain to the Tories.

Living standards are already battered while record net migration, never mind boats that Rwanda will fail to stop, weren’t what Conservatives promised. Tory claims that Labour would put up taxes don’t carry past sting when Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves specifically declared that many will never increase and the Conservatives are the party of record post-war taxation.

Voters, from experience, are aware the NHS is on its knees, our criminal justice system is collapsing and pot holes the size of craters are swallowing cars.

Labour presenting the Tories as inept, incompetent and incapable really chimes because the Conservatives are inept, incompetent and incapable.

The Tories framing of Starmer and his largely middle-of-the-road remoulded party as rabid revolutionaries is laughable.

It isn’t true, obviously, and politics at the moment is primarily a referendum on a Tory Party the electorate wants gone immediately.

Delay is a stalling tactic rather than a strategy for Sunak, who, later this year, will be given more time to spend his family’s fortune.

Lying about Labour won’t save the Tories in 2024. The truth will, however, condemn the Conservatives.