
Psycho peacock terrorises locals with ‘dance’ because it swoops on roofs and gardens

A berserk runaway bird has been terrorising “shattered” villagers with loud “echoing” cries all through the night.

On the loose and roaming wild in the village of Ossett in West Yorkshire, the peacock has been flying onto people’s roofs and hiding in gardens since escaping from a nearby farm.

Terri Skyes, 40, says the vocal bird has kept her family up at night and that some neighbours have had as little as five hours’ sleep in three days thanks to the its noisy squawks.

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She said: “It does keep us up at night because it’s quite loud. It’s not constantly all night but it does give out its loud calls throughout the night – it’s like a big echoing sound that travels all across the street.

Escaped Peacock
It’s been keeping residents up all night with its ‘echoing’ cries

“Someone has contacted me, asking me where it is because they could hear it from a couple of streets away.

“There’s quite a few students on the street who are currently doing their SATS, GCSES and A-Levels.

Escaped Peacock
It’s also been hopping onto people’s roofs

“My daughter didn’t go to school one day because she was awake all night and it was on the next door neighbour’s roof.

“I hardly got any sleep as well so everyone is shattered because it’s been on and off constantly.

“Everyone is coming out on the street saying they haven’t had much sleep and are just shattered.

Terry Skyes
The bird has favoured one particular street, resident Terry says

“Some people have had five hours sleep in three days.”

The support-worker added the escaped peacock arrived earlier in the week, going into people’s gardens “for a rest” and flying onto the top of people’s houses and roofs as it evades recapture.

She said: “It mainly goes into people’s gardens and then it will have a rest and get its feathers out and do a little dance.

“If it gets disturbed, then it will go into a shed roof and then it manages to get onto the top of people’s houses and roofs.

“It’s taken a liking to a certain one on the street and it will sit there all night.”

Escaped Peacock
The bird has also been ‘dancing’ in people’s gardens

The peacock is believed to belong to nearby The Watering Hole On The Farm, who have been trying to catch the bird and take it back home.

Terri said: “Apparently there was a thunderstorm and something happened to the avery and then it got out. I think it was quite a new pet to them, which is why it’s not had it’s wings clipped yet.

“It manages to fly from roof to roof. There was a guy out yesterday trying to catch it but it climbed on top of a bungalow’s roof.

Escaped Peacock
It’s believed the peacock escaped from a nearby farm

“He was really close to catching it but he says he’s a bit scared that the bird is going to be hungry. They are just trying to keep trying.”

The Watering Hole On The Farm have been contacted for a comment.

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