
Royal Mail employees ‘performing unusual’ after ‘consuming THC chocolate from misplaced parcel’

Royal Mail sorting office staff were left “excited” and “acting strange” after unknowingly tucking into chocolate infused with cannabis that had allegedly fallen out of a package.

Three employees at Brighton’s North Road office reportedly shared the treats. But shortly afterwards, as the THC kicked in, they experienced panic attacks and were taken to hospital by ambulance after reading the packaging, The Argus reports.

Royal Mail said they investigated the incident but that no disciplinary action was taken. Speaking about the incident which took place during the “Christmas rush”, one member of staff told The Argus: “I came back to a very excited office. There were some people acting very strange after eating that chocolate.

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“I imagine it was quite scary for them, but at the same time if someone gave me a chocolate bar like that I would probably read the packet.”

'It was quite scary for them'
‘It was quite scary for them’

Sources from within the Royal Mail delivery office said that normally when the contents of parcels come loose during sorting, they are put on a shelf until they can be married up with any damaged packaging.

Royal Mail policy states that loose items are then placed in a “damage bag” and delivered.

Chocolate bar “edibles” can contain the equivalent of triple the dose that a cannabis “joint” would.

A spokeswoman for Royal Mail confirmed the incident happened, adding: “An investigation took place but the origin of the chocolate bars was not determined.”

In a post about the incident on Reddit, hundreds of people were quick to share their thoughts.

It is thought they came loose from a package
It is thought they came loose from a package

One said: “I kind of wonder why people think it’s acceptable to eat chocolates out a package that wasn’t designated for them. Hoping they’ve learnt a lesson.”

Another wrote: “Imagine eating free chocolate and then you find out its laced with THC. Talk about a win.”

While one recalled a similar incident in 2022.

They wrote: “Last time post office staff did this, it was from a weed brownie sold by Pablo Chocobar. Also goes by Dank Bakery on Instagram. They also do chocolate bars so possibly from them again.”

The latterly mentioned incident saw a Royal Mail postie go viral on TikTok after he was left barely able to walk when he unknowingly ate four hash brownies while out on his round.

Royal Mail postie can barely walk after accidentally eating four hash brownies
Royal Mail postie can barely walk after accidentally eating four hash brownies

The unidentified bloke claimed he didn’t know they contained cannabis when he ate them from an packet labelled ‘Edibles by Pablo Chocobar’, which had been sitting unopened in the sorting office for a month.

The viral video has received over 22,000 likes on social media as Londoners found it hilarious that their postman had ended up in such a state.

One user said: “Crying because this is my postman.”

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