
Millions of younger adults wrestle in day by day life on account of lack of maths abilities

Millions of young adults have been left anxious in daily life due to struggles with maths, a poll reveals today.

Over a fifth of 18 to 24-year-olds (22%) say their mental health has suffered due to their struggles with maths. Only 11% of 45 to 54-year-olds and 4% of people over 55-years-old said the same.

Some 39% of 18 to 24-year-olds say they find it harder to cope with the stresses of life, such as managing money, getting a job and getting on at work as they lack confidence with numeracy.

The research commissioned by the National Numeracy charity suggests that Gen Z has left the education system with deep anxieties about the basic numbers skills needed in everyday life. Almost one in five (19%) 18-24-year-olds said they kept their lack of confidence with maths a secret,

Sam Sims, Chief Executive of National Numeracy, said: “This not only has a limiting impact on the life-chances of young adults, but far-reaching implications for the nation as a whole.

“Too many young adults will lack the maths confidence to navigate their way through jobs, housing, finances, and families. It is an issue holding back an entire generation which needs urgent attention.”

Watch the Mirror’s new YouTube show Party Games as politicians spill secrets of being an MP


Join us for the Mirror’s new show Party Games as politicians spill the secrets of being an MP – while taking on the challenge of playing a well-known board game.

In the programme on the Mirror’s YouTube channel, familiar faces from across political spectrum will do battle with reporter Sophie Huskisson. At the same time they will face questions on who they are, what they stand for and why they became a politician.

In a relaxed tell-all chat over games including Kerplunk, Jenga and Snakes and Ladders, we hear about how they manage their work-life-balance, how they deal with social media trolls and about some of their worst and best times in Westminster.

Party Games is available now on the Mirror’s YouTube channel with new episodes every Monday at 6pm.

Rishi Sunak has made teaching maths to 18 a key plank of his education plans. But unions have repeatedly warned that there aren’t enough specialist teachers to deliver it.

Around £600million is being poured into the first two years of preparations of the PM’s plan to merge A-levels and T-levels into a new “Advanced British Standard”, which would include a requirement to study maths and English to 18.

There are question marks over the future of the project, as it isn’t due to come into force until the late 2030s. Labour has refused to rule out scrapping it if Keir Starmer becomes Prime Minister.

A Department for Education spokeswoman said: “The Prime Minister has reaffirmed his commitment to reforming maths education, including through the announcement of the new Advanced British Standard which will see all young people studying maths to 18, giving them the essential skills they need to succeed.

“To boost maths education, we have invested £100 million in the Maths Hubs program, which supports schools to improve their mathematics teaching, and to attract the best and brightest teachers we offer bursaries and scholarships of up to £30,000 tax-free in the subject areas where they are needed most, including maths.”

:: YouGov surveyed 2,238 UK adults between May 9 and 10 2024