
‘Most ridiculous’ complaints Tesco buyers make – burnt hen to booze error

Tesco employees have revealed some of the most shocking customer complaints they have received.

Hundreds of staff members took to a Reddit to share their unique stories – from one woman who had burnt a chicken at home to others who sent their underage children to buy alcohol for them.

One said: “Woman came in kicking off because I didn’t let her 14-year-old buy the bottle of wine that she sent him to the shop to buy. Even the manager couldn’t keep a straight face when talking to her about it.”

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Tesco shop sign
Tesco workers have dished the dirt (stock)

Another added: “Was verbally abused or asking for ID, by a woman (who had her kids present) because she didn’t have her ID on her, despite complaining that she keeps getting ID asked for. She knew she should’ve had it on her if she was going to try and buy alcohol.”

One worker even said customers accused them of lying about the items they had in their shop. They recalled: “Guy asked for coconut water, told him we didn’t have any available, can’t remember why, and he goes ‘is that true or do you just not want to get it for me?’ The bloody cheek.”

Some employees complained about customers being particular about the colour of their produce – and one even accused staff of tampering with their items. One recalled: “I wouldn’t call it ridiculous but I’m surprised how many people send back eggs from their home deliveries just because the shell is white.”

Another chimed in:”We once had a bloke screaming in the shop and threatening us because he was convinced we’d watered down his mouthwash.”

Perhaps most ridiculous of all was when one staff member had to deal with a woman trying to return a chicken – even though she had “burnt it in the oven” of her own home.

Spare a thought for the employees of Tesco next time you’re doing your weekly shop – you never know what they might be going through

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