
Rishi Sunak but to conform to Sky News grilling regardless of name for weekly TV debates

Rishi Sunak has yet to agree to be grilled by Sky News viewers despite claiming he wants debates every week of the campaign.

Keir Starmer has accepted an invitation to answer questions from voters on the news channel. The Labour leader will take part in a special programme from Grimsby, which is a battleground seat. But the Prime Minister has so far not said whether he will take part in a similar Q&A on the channel.

A Sky spokeswoman said: “Sky News is delighted that Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has agreed to travel to Grimsby and answer voters questions in a Sky News leader’s special event. Negotiations are ongoing for Rishi Sunak to attend.”

The leadership shows are expected to be hosted by Sky News Political Editor Beth Rigby.

Mr Starmer today branded Mr Sunak “increasingly desperate” over the PM’s call for weekly General Election TV debates. It came after the Tory leader used a column to accuse the Labour leader of lacking the “courage” to face him in six head-to-head showdowns.

Mr Starmer denied he was dodging debates, saying they are “a big part of election campaigns and there will be debates in these elections”. It is understood Labour has agreed to take part in two head-to-head showdowns during the six-week election campaign – to be aired on the BBC and ITV.

Mr Starmer said: “He [Mr Sunak] is sounding increasingly desperate, I have to say. Of course there are going to be TV debates. They are part and parcel of the election cycle now. I obviously want to spend as much of my time talking to voters directly.

“I can do a hundred debates with Rishi Sunak, but I know what he is going to say, he is going to say everything is fine, the cost-of-living crisis is over, the health service hasn’t got any problems. That is all he ever says.”