
‘Quick 10-minute bonk gave me an enormous orgasm so intense I bought amnesia’

Mick Thacker’s afternoon quickie with his lover blew her mind – literally.

For his partner Polly Fisher suffered such an intense orgasm it wiped out her memory. Their 10-minute sex romp caused her to suffer transient global amnesia – an ultra rare condition which can occur in middle-age following sudden strenuous activity.

Brit Polly’s is one of only a handful of cases in the world to have been triggered by nookie. Though she has made a full physical recovery seven hours of her life have been erased from her brain.

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It was wild . . . but had unforeseen consequences
It was wild . . . but had unforeseen consequences

That includes any recollection of the sex session that caused her memory loss or her dramatic blue-lighting to hospital in what seemed then a life-or-death emergency. The couple told their story to the Daily Star Sunday to help others who could experience the same ordeal and educate medics who may not have heard of the extraordinary condition.

Mick said: “It was the scariest thing I have ever witnessed. I thought she was having a stroke. In the ambulance all the plans we had made for our retirement together flashed through my head. It was all over. I thought it was at the very least life-changing for both of us. Now she’s okay and we know what caused it we can laugh about it. In fact I haven’t stopped telling people about it.

“My friends have started calling me Orgas-Mick. I told my elderly neighbour what happened and he needed an explanation of what ‘coitus’ was. Now everything’s ok I’ve told Polly I’ve clearly been underestimating my abilities. Maybe I should launch myself as some kind of guru.”

He was left shocked when it happened
He was left shocked when it happened

The drama happened after super-fit Mick, 61, a surveyor and cartographer, returned from the gym to find his partner of 17 years in the shower at their home in Rotherham, South Yorks. “She looked amazing, as she always does, and one thing led to another,” he said.

“We had sex. It wasn’t long – a quickie – and nothing unusual. But I remember Polly had a really massive orgasm – way more intense than I can recall her having before. I may have felt quite smug but all was good at that point.”

Afterwards the couple went downstairs for a coffee and 15 minutes later Polly complained she was feeling “weird”. “She looked a little vacant and seemed vague. She sat down and started to panic,” he said.

“She started crying. She was saying, `I’m scared. I’m scared’. I thought she was having a stroke.”

She still has no idea what happened during the wild fling
She still has no idea what happened during the wild fling

Mick dialled 999 and an ambulance was scrambled to ferry Polly to Rotherham General Hospital five miles away.

“It started to hit me in the ambulance. We had been planning to sell up and retire to Scotland. I thought all that was off. We’re keen motorcyclists and I feared no more days out on the Ducati. I saw myself as a full-time carer. Everything seemed to be all over,” he said.

In casualty medics seemed baffled. While Polly had zero short-term memory she did not display any other stroke symptoms, was talking coherently and results from CT and MRI scans and other tests were all normal.

She could remember her and Mick but not remember the date nor who was Prime Minister. Mick told her the answers but she would instantly forget them and could not recall them again moments later time after time.

Doctors took a while, but eventually figured it out
Doctors took a while, but eventually figured it out

Three hours before they had sex Polly had spotted a Robin in an old tyre in the garden – unusual in Spring – and had no recollection of that either. Medics thought she may have had a transient ischemic attack, which is a short period of stroke-like symptoms caused by a brief blockage of blood flow to the brain.

Though patients usually recover fully it can be a prelude to a full stroke. When doctors asked what had triggered the incident red-faced Mick replied that they had just had sex. One of the docs then recalled a previous case of transient global amnesia she had come across involving a swimmer exposed to freezing water.

The doctor had researched the condition and – though the official medical cause is uncertain – she remembered it could also be triggered by sex though she had never heard of such a case before.

Though shocking at the time – particularly for eyewitnesses – it is harmless and leaves no long term symptoms other than memory loss. After two days of tests medics confirmed the diagnosis and Polly was discharged.

Her memory still hasn't returned
Her memory still hasn’t returned

Doctors said it could happen again but a repeat has only been reported in 6% of cases and is not serious. Mum-of-four Polly, 58, a hospital housekeeper, said: “I still have absolutely no memory of what happened to me. I’ve lost about seven hours of my life.

“I thought it would slowly come back but we’re a month on now and there’s nothing.”

In 2022 five doctors from Limerick, Ireland, published a case in the Irish Medical Journal of a 66-year-old man who reported memory loss 10 minutes after sex. An MRI scan showed a tiny abnormality on the left-side of his brain which vanished within 72 hours.

The medics suggested it happens when pressure within the chest increases temporarily impairing the return of blood through veins from the temporal lobe of the brain back to the heart.

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