
UK’s most notorious street rage incidents – Ronnie Pickering to all-female brawl

A screaming driver who slammed his fists into a woman’s windscreen is just one of several British road rage incidents that have gone absolutely viral.

Another tirade on tarmac which needs no further introduction but we’ll relive the moment anyway comes courtesy of Ronnie Pickering. Who? Ronnie Pickering, of course.

From foul-mouthed tirades to incidents of brutal violence, these sometimes savage encounters give a whole new meaning to the famous AC/DC song, Highway to Hell. While some have faced nothing more than a walk of shame back to their car or an interesting reputation, others have come before the courts over their rowdy road rage moments.

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Here we look back at some of the UK’s most infamous road rage incidents, from a vicious hair-pulling fight between women to a driver so angry he pulled boxing gloves his car as fans dubbed him the ‘new Ronnie Pickering’.

Ronnie Pickering road rage
The infamous face of Ronnie Pickering in one of the UK’s most well-known road rage incidents

The now infamous Ronnie Pickering became a near enough overnight sensation back in 2015 when a video of his rant at a moped driver went viral. In a cult-classic meme, Pickering, from Bransholme, and the other bloke sparked a hilarious tirade that saw the pair trade some rather tepid insults.

As a straight-faced woman sat in the passenger seat beside Pickering nearly nine years ago, the red-faced grandfather, who was once an amateur boxer, was seen uttering the now legendary line: “Do you know who I am? I’m Ronnie Pickering.” At the time, few people knew who he was but now they do indeed.

Now in his 60s, he’s dubbed “road rage Ronnie” and the nickname has stuck since the footage was uploaded to YouTube all those years ago. Last month, a fairly innocuous encounter between motorists to jokes about their being a new Ronnie Pickering in town.

Road rage driver pulls boxing gloves from his car
Imagine pulling some boxing gloves out of your car

Resulting in a near-boxing match in the middle of the street, two blokes found themselves tied up in a verbal argument over speed with one pulling legitimate boxing gloves from his vehicle.

In a video circulating on social media, the man, who appears to be in his mid to late 50s, gets out of his car before whipping out a pair of boxing gloves from his boot. “Do you wanna try some? Do you want to try it on?” he remarks to his bemused fellow motorist, who laughs at his adversary throughout the two-minute clip.

And while those incidents seem fairly harmless, some have erupted into violence and resulted in jail time. Peter Abbott shouted abuse at a woman and slammed his fists down onto her windscreen after he cut her up in a Tesco car park.

The 60-year-old unleashed a foul-mouthed rant at his victim who locked her doors and began filming the irate man. He was later ordered to attend anger management classes by a court, reports The Mirror.

Road rage driver pulls boxing gloves from boot
The wannabe Ronnie Pickering who asked for a fight

In the vile rant, he shouted: “Can you f***ing see me you f***ing tart?” before calling her a ‘s**g’ and a ‘whore’. Another man had to intervene, telling him “What is wrong with you, it’s a woman on her own” to which Abbott replied, “She’s a f***ing bloody annoying woman”.

In another unbelievable incident, two women grappled and pulled at each other’s hair in Greater Manchester as their vicious fight broke out in queuing traffic. Onlookers recorded the chaotic scene, with one saying it all began when a woman “pushed into the queue at the traffic lights.”

A woman then told her to get out of her car and was “screaming” before the fight broke out. The pair then grabbed at each other’s faces and hair as they tussled in the middle of the road – one trying to headbutt the other.

Two women start a fight in traffic in Manchester
The two woman halted traffic in the road rage incident

There was plenty of pushing and shoving while in the middle of the heated exchange, one of the women shouted: “You’ve got your babies in the car.”

Then there’s the time three men erupted into a brawl in the middle of a road as other drivers watched on. In eye-opening scenes two men dressed in black tussled with a third person in grey trousers back in April.

The three blokes threw punches and kicks until falling to the ground in a heap. A fourth man ran toward the group and tried to break up the fight which a witness described as “madness”. Some saw the funny side though, with one joking: “When two Ubers turn up for the same passenger.”

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