
Divers’ blood boiled in seconds as our bodies ‘exploded from inside’ in catastrophe

It’s gone down in history as one of the most horrifying diving accidents which led to the grisly yet instant deaths of five divers.

The Byford Dolphin incident in 1983 saw the men “explode from the inside” after one of them was blasted through a jammed door hatch “like a cannonball” and “torn to pieces.”

Three others were killed by their blood reaching boiling point within seconds when a compression airlock malfunctioned. Only one diver miraculously survived, but not without life changing injuries and trauma.

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Their highly paid jobs as saturation divers involved them living and working for weeks at a time inside a cramped pressurised metal tube only six metres long and two metres wide, with a detachable “diving bell” to transport them to and from the ocean floor.

Two of the men who tragically lost their lives, Roy Lucas and Billy Crammond
Two of the men who tragically lost their lives, Roy Lucas and Billy Crammond

Leaving only to perform sensitive engineering work on the Frigg Gas Field – the world’s largest and deepest offshore gas field beneath the North Sea – they worked long hours in the pitch black, freezing cold water alone.

At that depth, they need to breathe pressurised air that dissolves nitrogen in the blood. Resurfacing too quickly can cause the nitrogen to form bubbles in the body, a condition commonly called “the bends,” and so decompression stops are needed.

But the chamber on the rig allowed the men to work for 28 days at a time at a consistent pressure with only one decompression period after their work was done.

But on the fateful day of November 5, 1983, the diving bell detached from the pressurised living chamber before the doors were fully closed. The rapid depressurisation from nine atmospheres of air pressure to one atmosphere caused a crushing blast rapidly forcing the nitrogen in three of the divers’ blood turned into bubbles, effectively boiling them from the inside.

A diagram shows the position of the divers and their dive tenders when there was an explosive decompression incidence between the chamber and the bell
A diagram shows the position of the divers and their dive tenders when tragedy struck

The men who died at 4am that morning were British divers Edwin Arthur Coward, 35, and Roy P. Lucas, 38, and Norwegians Bjørn Giæver Bergersen , 29 and Truls Hellevik, 34.

Truls was pushed through a small hatch door opening less than 60 centimetres (24 in) in diameter. His spine was ripped from his body and found almost 10 metres away.

One of their dive tenders responsible for attaching the diving bell from the outside, William Crammond, 32, was also killed by the outside force. The other dive tender, Martin Saunders was left with devastating injuries after being crushed underneath the four tonne diving bell.

The official report into the disaster said Hellevik “shot out through the small jammed hatch door opening and was torn to pieces.”

A hyperbaric chamber used by divers for decompression
A hyperbaric chamber used by divers for decompression

“Fragments of his body were found scattered about the rig. One part was even found lying on the rig’s derrick, 10 metres (30 ft) directly above the chambers. His death was most likely instantaneous and painless.”

The report also noted that autopsies had revealed solid lumps of fat in the men’s arteries, as normal fat cells in the blood suddenly became solidified by the change in conditions which caused them to “explode from the inside out.”

It took the families of the victims 26 years to receive compensation from the Norwegian Government after it was finally accepted that the equipment was faulty and there were no fail safes.

The grim story recently resurfaced on YouTube after being posted by Storified and attracting over 2.6m views.

Only Martin Saunders survived
Only Martin Saunders survived

One viewer wrote: “Lessons from Youtube: 1. Never go diving. 2. Never go caving.”

Another said: “A truly terrible accident and a truly nasty way to go. Hopefully it was quick and the pain and distress only momentary.”

While one added: “My uncle was on the Dolphin when this happened. Said it was the most horrific thing he has ever seen. Body parts were being found for days afterwards.”

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