
Woman abandons new dwelling simply 10 days after making hidden ‘cursed’ discovery

Moving house can be a right old stress-fest, but it’s also a cracking opportunity to start afresh somewhere new.

But for one family, their dream move turned into a proper horror show when they found a “cursed” room hidden behind a wardrobe. A woman shared her sister’s spooky find on Reddit, revealing a “secret room” that had been locked up tight for about 50 years in her new pad.

She posted: “This ‘door’ is in my sister’s closet. She hadn’t been able to get it open before today and just assumed it was a normal cabinet.

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“It clearly sat empty for a while before we moved in. All of the stuff in this room looks extremely old, like 70s to 80s old. Hopefully whatever cursed activities occurred in the secret room happened decades ago!”

There were some odd items found in the room
There were some odd items found in the room

Inside the mystery room, they unearthed a stash of old-school porn mags from the 70s and 80s, tins of booze-free beer, a pot of petroleum jelly, a notepad, and even some personal hygiene bits like tampons, pads, and a toothbrush, reports the Mirror.

However, the most shocking discovery was a mattress squeezed into the tiny room, complete with what appeared to be two pillows at its head.

The woman added: “No idea how they got the mattress inside. My current guess is that they folded it hotdog style and just sort of crammed it in there?

Would you stay after making that discovery?
Would you stay after making that discovery?

“My current assumption is that this was some teenager’s hidey-hole for their illicit goods and acts. I personally don’t believe that it was a squatter, and that it was probably done by the previous owner.”

The woman was deeply disturbed by her discovery, admitting she only managed to stay in the house for a mere week and a half before packing up her things and leaving. One user responded to her post with: “Nah, someone was definitely living there”, while another added: “The man living in your walls seems very sanitary.”

Another commenter joked: “A $1200 a month apartment in NYC”, and yet another quipped: “Wait until you find the hidden owner of the house.”

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