
Humans might dwell perpetually as quickly as 2030 as scientists again wild new idea

Science has been progressing so rapidly that some of us could live forever in the next decade, according to some experts.

Boffins say advances in increasing human life expectancy means some people could achieve immortality as soon as the 2030s.

Longevity escape velocity is a theory that we may soon reach a point where ageing is optional. The idea is that if life expectancy increases at a higher rate than the actual ageing process, so people will never actually die.

Read more: Eternal youth one step closer to reality as scientists ‘awaken zombie-like cells’

While people have a ‘chronological age’, this is not believed to be the same as their ‘biological age’ which can be halted or slowed down. People can therefore have a younger ‘biological age’ than the actual number of years they have been alive and can also extend their remaining life expectancy faster than time passes.

People in their 30s and below may be the first to experience immortality, according to one expert (Stock)
One expert says people currently in their 30s and younger may live to see a day where humans can achieve immortality (stock)

One of the leading proponents of this theory is a former Google engineer known for making accurate predictions about the future.

In 1990, Ray Kurzweil correctly predicted that a computer would beat human world chess champions by 2000. He also forecasted the rise of portable computers and smartphones.

Of a whopping 147 predictions about the future, the now 76-year-old says 115 of them were accurate giving him a success rate of 86%. He first predicted technology will allow humans to achieve everlasting life by 2030 in 2005, and doubled-down on this in a recent podcast. He said people today who are in their 30s and younger might have a shot at immortality.

Scientists have already made significant breakthroughs in ways we can rejuvenate our cells and stave off the ageing process – adding precious years to a possible infinite amount. Leaps have been made in research like stem cell injections, which can rejuvenate cells, cellular reprogramming and zapping so called ‘zombie’ cells which can cause tissue ageing.

Stem cell therapy and cellular reprogramming could be used to help us achieve immortality in the next decade (Stock)
Breakthroughs in research like stem cell therapy and cellular reprogramming suggests we can achieve immortality in the next decade (stock)

Harvard geneticist George Church and longevity researcher Aubrey de Grey are also among those who say, in a best-case scenario, we can achieve optional ageing by the 2030s.

Pioneers in anti-ageing research are also signing on to a new “Dublin Longevity Declaration,” which calls on their entire field of science to focus on reversing biological ageing processes at the cellular level. De Grey said last year: “Everyone knows ageing is bad, everyone says it’s bad, but nobody does anything about it. “Like bad weather – people are stuck in the assumption that nothing can be done, even if we try. We wanted to put that assumption to rest.”

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