
‘Husband cheated on me a month after I gave start – what he stated subsequent was worse’

A new mum has revealed how she found out her husband had cheated on herjust a month after she gave birth to their baby.

To make matters worse, after his unfaithful ways were exposed, the man chose to abandon his wife and child to “pursue” his mistress. The illicit relationship didn’t go to plan, however, and he eventually left his lover.

But despite ending his affair with the other woman, the excuse he offered his wife for his actions has left people disgusted. In a Reddit post, the unnamed mum claimed her husband “blamed” her for their “bad marriage” and claimed she “drove him to cheat”. Now that his fling is over, he’s hoping for “reconciliation” – but won’t own up to his wrongdoings.

READ MORE: ‘I had affair with married man six years ago – I’m thinking of telling his wife’

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The woman said: “My husband cheated on me when I was a month postpartum and left me and our baby to pursue her. We moved out, and he didn’t care to have us back. I was devastated and spent about 8-9 months crying and fighting.”

“He finally ended the affair, but he still blames me for our bad marriage and says I drove him to cheat. I’m not perfect, but I work, take care of the household, and meet his needs. I’m very unhappy and still hurt, and it seems like he doesn’t care about what he did to me.”

“She was younger than me, so I now constantly compare myself to younger, prettier women. I still love him, but I’m also angry, hurt, and disappointed. I really want to work on our marriage, but it hurts that he won’t take responsibility and acts like he can have anyone he wants. He says he’ll be fine even if I leave him. When is it time to throw in the towel?”

Online commenters rallied behind a mum who shared her heartache over her husband’s affair, urging her to ditch the bloke. The consensus was clear: there’s “no reconciliation” when he’s not owning up to his mistakes, and she deserves better.

One user didn’t mince words, stating: “It’s over. There’s no reconciliation. There’s custody agreements, childcare and financial support discussions. He cheated, abandoned his family and is not taking responsibility for his part in the destruction of your marriage.”

Another chimed in with tough love advice: “You should have already thrown in the towel. I hate divorce with kids, but I hate cheating spouses more. Don’t degrade yourself by staying with this man.”

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