
ITV proclaims second election debate with Reform UK, Lib Dems and Greens invited

ITV has announced a second General Election debate – this time between Leaders or senior representatives over all the major parties.

A head-to-head debate between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer had already been announced for June 4 at 9pm. A second multi-party debate will take place on June 13th, starting at 8:30pm and running for an hour and a half. Senior representatives – including figures like Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner – could be given a chance to fight for their parties on screen.

The leaders – and senior representatives – of the Liberal Democrats, the SNP, Reform UK and the Greens have been invited to take part, as well as Labour and the Tories. An interview with the leader of Plaid Cymru will also be aired that evening in Wales.

Julie Etchingham will host the debate between all the parties, as in 2019 and 2017.

Julie Etchingham will host the debate between all the parties, as in 2019 and 2017.

It is likely Lib Dem leader Ed Davey takes part, as well as Reform UK leader Richard Tice. It is possible Nigel Farage, who is honorary president of Reform UK, may participate, as he could be classed as a senior representative of the party.

The debate will be moderated by Julie Etchingham, who moderated ITV election debates in 2015, 2017 and 2019. It will be followed by ITV News at Ten and then The ITV Election Interviews presented by Anushka Asthana at 10.10pm.

Michael Jermey, ITV’s Director of News and Current Affairs, said, “ITV’s debate programmes will allow millions of viewers to see and hear the politicians debate the big issues facing the country. Many of our viewers tell us they greatly value the TV debates. We’re pleased that ITV will be able to provide a forum in which voters can question the political leaders and in which the politicians can debate directly with each other.”

Negotiations are still ongoing over a Sky News debate. Last week Mr Starmer accepted an invitation to answer questions from voters on the news channel. But the Prime Minister has so far not said whether he will take part in a similar Q&A. A Sky spokeswoman said: “Sky News is delighted that Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has agreed to travel to Grimsby and answer voters’ questions in a Sky News leader’s special event. Negotiations are ongoing for Rishi Sunak to attend.”

Televised leaders’ debates first featured in the 2010 campaign – when there were three – featuring Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg.