
General election newest: Nigel Farage says ‘ship me to Parliament to be a bloody nuisance’

Nigel Farage has urged the voters of Clacton to “send him to Parliament to be a bloody nuisance” as he relaunched Reform’s general election campaign this afternoon. 

Addressing a large crowd in the seat he will fight for on July 4, the Reform leader said: “I will stand up and fight for you, I will give you my best and I will do what I have done for the last quarter of a century in politics. 

“I will be unafraid, despite what everybody says, despite what names they call me, they are so stupid it only encourages me really, in fact, send me to Parliament to be a bloody nuisance.” 

Mr Farage told voters in the constituency that the Conservative Party deserved to pay a “big price” for its handling of immigration and he had “no confidence” that Labour would reduce net migration levels. 

He claimed the Tories had “betrayed” the trust of voters and added: “They opened up the borders to mass immigration like we have never seen before and they deserve to pay a price for that. A big price for that.”

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