
Nigel Farage drenched in banana milkshake on marketing campaign go to to Clacton

Nigel Farage has been drenched with what appears to be milkshake as his first campaign event turned to disaster.

The Reform UK boss had the drink thrown over him as he walked out of Clacton’s Wetherspoons pub. Dozens of onlookers watched in horror as it was hurled at him by a woman in a grey jumper.

It happened as Mr Farage was launching his campaign to become the MP for the seaside town. Moments earlier he had told voters that he would be a “bloody nuisance” if he gets elected to Parliament.

Mr Farage, who previously had milkshake thrown at him while campaigning in Newcastle in 2019, appeared very displeased as he strode out of the venue. Footage of the incident show a woman launching the drink – which seems to be banana flavoured – at him.

Nigel Farage had the drink thrown over him in Clacton, Essex

Nigel Farage had the drink thrown over him in Clacton, Essex
AFP via Getty Images)

Mr Farage clutched his face after the incident, which raises questions about security arrangements around Parliamentary candidates. He was escorted toward a bus after the liquid was thrown at him. Richard Tice, who was party leader until Mr Farage swooped in on Monday, appeared to smile as it happened.

Former UKIP boss Mr Farage had been speaking to reporters in the Moon and Starfish pub as supporters and detractors gathered outside. Some witnesses appeared to clap after the drink was thrown at him.

It comes nearly five years after he suffered a similar fate while out and about in Newcastle ahead of the 2019 election. A clip of that incident showed a furious Mr Farage berate his security team, demanding: “How did you not stop that happening? It’s a complete failure.”

The Reform UK leader earlier declared that the election is “over” and Keir Starmer will be PM after July 4. He lambasted the Tories who he claimed had “betrayed” voters’ trust and said they won’t be an effective opposition.

Launching his campaign – his eighth attempt at getting a seat in Parliament – he told a crowd in the seaside town: “This election effectively is over. The breach of trust from the Conservatives means that they’re finished, they’re done. We are going to get a Labour government, whether you like it or not.”

Mr Farage was pelted with the yellow drink in Clacton

Mr Farage was pelted with the yellow drink in Clacton
AFP via Getty Images)

The Reform UK leader looked very displeased

The Reform UK leader looked very displeased
Getty Images)

He continued: “The question is who is going to be the voice of opposition? I want Reform UK, with me at the helm, to be in Parliament and I promise you I’ll liven it up a lot from what it currently is.”

The former UKIP leader urged supporters: “Send me to Parliament to be a bloody nuisance.” His decision to take over as leader from Richard Tice and to stand as an MP has sent a chill through Tory ranks.

Mr Farage – who cut a deal with Boris Johnson at the last election to help preserve Conservative seats – signalled that he will not hold back this time. He told a cheering audience: “They opened up the borders to mass immigration like we’ve never seen before. And they deserve to pay a price for that. ” He went on to brand Clacton “the most patriotic town” in the country.

Bookmakers have already predicted that Mr Farage will finally be successful. Ladbrokes made him 4/9 favourite, with Jessica O’Reilly, from the betting firm, saying: “Farage has always been the bridesmaid, never the bride, but it looks like he’ll finally get to walk down the aisle in the Commons this year at last, fulfilling his lifelong dream of becoming an MP.”

Mr Farage clutched his face following the incident

Mr Farage clutched his face following the incident
AFP via Getty Images)

Moments before Mr Farage took to the podium in Clacton, former I’m A Celeb contestant Fred Sirieix delivered a scathing put-down of the politician. Mr Sirieix wrote: “I spoke at length and extensively with Nigel Farage for 3 weeks while in the jungle. I wanted to make my own mind up about him and his views. Conclusion is simple. He was very good at washing the dishes in the river but when it comes to politics he has no plan and no substance.”

And in a further post on Twitter/X, the First Dates host wrote: “No vision. No concrete policies. He is not interested in making the UK/the world a better place. He just rants.”

Mr Farage announced he was taking over as leader of the right-wing party from Richard Tice yesterday. He said immigration should be the central issue of the election and announced he’d stand in Clacton in Essex.

That was despite previously having suggested he wouldn’t want to spend his Fridays there on constituency duty if he was elected. Speaking to Good Morning Britain today, Mr Farage said: “I don’t want to join the Conservative Party, I think the better thing to do would be to take it over.”

News that Mr Farage is back in the mix is a body blow to Rishi Sunak, and follows a mega-poll suggesting the Tories could be reduced to just 140 seats on July 4.

The YouGov poll suggests Labour would secure a majority of 194 – a historic wipeout and the second largest majority ever, surpassing Tony Blair’s achievements in 1997.

Home Secretary James Cleverly tried to play down the danger Mr Farage poses his party. “The last time I heard him make reference to Clacton, he was saying that he didn’t want to spend every Friday in Clacton,” Mr Cleverly told Sky News.

“Reform has always been a vehicle for Nigel Farage’s self-promotion, I think Richard Tice is now discovering that rather painfully.”