
Rishi Sunak campaigns with Tory candidate linked to ‘furlough fraud’

Rishi Sunak has been pictured campaigning with a Tory candidate who has been linked to an alleged furlough fraud.

The PM posed shaking hands with Lewis Bartoli next to the Conservative Party’s battle bus.

In 2022, the Mirror revealed that HM Revenue and Customs had been made aware of allegations that a staffer continued to work for North Tyneside Conservative Federation – “under” Mr Bartoli – while being furloughed during the pandemic.

In a letter to a complainant, Northumbria Police said they had recorded a crime of fraud following an accusation “in relation” to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme but would not be investigating this further. Chief Superintendent Mark Hall wrote that it was “alleged the North Tyneside Conservative Federation under … Lewis Bartoli and [another person] and others have claimed money from the CJRS for an employee”.

The case was brought up at PMQs in March 2022 when Labour MP Mary Glindon told Boris Johnson that at his “party in North Tyneside, furlough was claimed for a member of party staff even though he continued to work”.

Mr Bartoli, who is the Conservative candidate for Tyneside, has always denied all the allegations.

He joined Mr Sunak as he launched the Tory battle bus in Northumberland on Saturday. He posted on Facebook: “Today, I had the incredible honor of meeting the Prime Minister in Blyth as he visited us in the iconic Battle Bus! As the candidate for Tynemouth in the upcoming election, I’m more energized than ever to fight hard for our community and secure Conservative seats. Together, with your support, we can make a real difference. Let’s keep pushing forward!”

A North Tyneside Conservative group spokesman said: “We unconditionally deny any allegations of fraud involving Councillor Bartoli. These claims are not only unfounded but are part of a recurring pattern of misinformation timed to coincide with the run-up to the local and general election.

“Councillor Bartoli was not in a position to make or authorise any payments from any accounts, nor was he involved with the status of any employees during the Furlough period. He had no access or authority that would enable him to engage in the activities he is being falsely accused of. It is important to highlight that this baseless story re-emerges each year solely to try and influence and damage the electoral process. Despite these repeated accusations, neither the council, the police, nor HMRC have seen any evidence that have led to any investigation, as there is nothing to investigate.

“These allegations are entirely fabricated by a disgruntled former member and should not be taken seriously. We urge the public to consider the timing and source of these claims and to focus on the factual record of Councillor Bartoli’s service and integrity. We remain committed to transparency and upholding the highest standards of conduct. We stand firmly behind Councillor Bartoli and condemn this continued attempt to mislead and manipulate public opinion.”