
Two males are charged over the homicide of a former RAF serviceman

  •  Father-of-three John ‘Lenny’ Scott, 33, died in hospital after being shot

Two men have been charged with murder after the ‘cruel and cold-blooded assassination’ of a former RAF serviceman when he was shot outside a gym.

John ‘Lenny’ Scott, 33, from Prescot, Merseyside, died in hospital after the shooting in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, on February 8.

Emergency services were called to Peel Road at about 7.35pm and discovered the father-of-three with serious gunshot wounds.

Elias Morgan, 34, and Anthony Cleary, 28, both of Liverpool, were charged with his murder yesterday.

They have been remanded in custody and will appear before Preston Magistrates’ Court today.

Mr Scott, a former prison officer, was described by his family as a ‘devoted dad who lived for his children’.

They said their hearts were ‘broken’ when he was ‘cruelly taken from us and we don’t understand why’.

Scott McDonnell told of how his childhood friend was a ‘gentle giant’ – leading to the nickname of Lenny from Of Mice and Men.

John 'Lenny' Scott, 33, from Prescot, Merseyside, died in hospital after the shooting in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, on February 8

John ‘Lenny’ Scott, 33, from Prescot, Merseyside, died in hospital after the shooting in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, on February 8

Lancashire Police said a 29-year-old woman from Liverpool arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of assisting an offender has been released on bail pending further inquiries.

Five other people have been arrested, the force said, and are currently on bail.

Anyone with any information has been asked to call police on 101 quoting log 1155 of 9th February.

At the time of the shooting, Detective Supt Gareth Willis – Lancs Constabulary’s head of major crime – said: ‘While we do at this stage believe that Lenny was the intended target of this shooting what we do not know yet is why he was targeted. 

‘We are keeping an open mind about the motive for what can only be described as a cruel and cold-blooded assassination, and I would appeal to anyone who may have information about why this has happened to get in touch.’

A tribute to the former serviceman by his grieving family read: ‘On Thursday 8th February our hearts were broken forever. Our Lenny was cruelly taken from us and we don’t understand why.

‘Lenny was a devoted dad. He lived for his children. They were everything to him, as he was to them. He was a beloved daddy, son, grandson, nephew, cousin, friend and colleague.

Emergency services were called to Peel Road (pictured) at about 7.35pm and discovered the father-of-three with serious gunshot wounds

Emergency services were called to Peel Road (pictured) at about 7.35pm and discovered the father-of-three with serious gunshot wounds 

‘He was the biggest, funniest and most lovable person. He had such a big presence and would light up any room he walked into. His strength, laughter, hugs, sense of humour and banter were second to none.

‘He always wanted to make a difference and do the right thing, to help and protect everyone he met and he had a real strong sense of duty and service which was shown by his time serving in the RAF. 

‘He loved animals so much, especially dogs. We were all so lucky to have him in our lives… to watch him grow into this strong wonderful man, loved by so many.

‘We are so proud to receive all the wonderful messages and comments telling us just how many people adored Lenny and how they have all been impacted by his death.

‘Lenny – we are going to miss you so much. You were our world. It is now so empty and much smaller without you in it. Thank you for the memories that we will all treasure forever.

‘We will make sure that your children are loved and supported and that they will always remember what a fantastic dad you were. We will make sure we get the justice you deserve. You will never be forgotten. Goodnight love, love you loads xx.’

They added: ‘We would like to thank all those who tried so desperately to save Lenny. His friends and the emergency services who never gave up on him, who made sure he was not alone when we weren’t there. 

‘We take so much comfort knowing that he had people he cared for around him, we will forever be in your debt. We would also like to thank Lancashire Police – your help, support and dedication is amazing.’