
Model who ‘threw milkshake at Farage’ refuses to apologise with 4-word reply

A model who threw a banana milkshake at Reform UK leader Nigel Farage has refused to apologise, issuing a defiant four-word statement.

Adult subscription site model Victoria Thomas-Bowen, 25, was arrested and charged with assault by beating and criminal damage after throwing the drink over Farage as he campaigned in Clacton, Essex, on Tuesday. Victoria said she has earned £40,000 from the 2,000 fresh subscribers to her site after throwing the milkshake.

The Labour Party member said she planned the “milkshaking” one hour beforehand after she read a Facebook post that said Farage was down at the pier in her hometown. But she was adamant that the stunt was not a ploy to gain attention.

Victoria following the milkshaking incident

Victoria said she only planned the milkshaking about an hour before it happened
Getty Images)

Victoria, a former student at a strict all-girls Catholic school, said she has hated Farage since he campaigned to leave the European Union. Speaking to The Sun, she said: “I made my point.”

“I wanted to see him, I thought, if he is potentially representing me then I will see what he says,” she continued. “I have never agreed with his views on immigration or his approach to women.

“I hadn’t had any breakfast, and I was feeling quite lightheaded so I stopped at McDonald’s on the way to the pier and got a banana milkshake. Then I remembered he had been milkshaked before.”

The model then phoned her mum, telling her she knew where Farage was and that she had a milkshake. Victoria added: “She was like, ‘You’re not going to do that are you?”

A photo of Victoria wearing devil horns

The adult subscription site model said she has gained 2,000 fresh subscribers to her profile since the incident

A photo of Victoria from her social media page

Victoria said she disagrees with Farage on a range of issues

It was the second time the Reform UK leader has had a milkshake thrown over him. In 2019, Farage was hit with the drink while campaigning in Newcastle ahead of the European elections.

Farage was hit on Tuesday outside the Moon and Starfish Wetherspoon pub as he began campaigning to represent the seaside town in Parliament. Victoria was right next to Farage when she spotted an opening to throw the drink.

A photo of the milkshaking incident in Clacton

Victoria said she would move from Clacton if Farage won
Getty Images)

The model said she did not expect the incident would become a national news story and recalled being followed as she walked away from the milkshaking scene. “I wouldn’t say I regretted it,” she told The Sun. “I wouldn’t apologise to him because it was only a milkshake.”

Despite receiving an influx of new subscribers, Victoria said she has faced abuse online from people telling her they would put her in a “cage” and others who hit out at her appearance and job as an adult subscription site model.

Victoria said she has been interested in politics since she was 15 and has been a Labour Party member since 2019, but is now unsure of who to vote for in the upcoming General Election. When asked what she would do if Farage won in Clacton, Victoria replied: “I would move. I wouldn’t live here anymore.”

She will appear at Colchester Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, July 2.