
Snap debate ballot says Starmer extra reliable and likeable than Sunak

Rishi Sunak‘s TV debate woes deepened tonight as viewers said that Keir Starmer was better in every single area of the live Sky grilling. 

A snap poll by YouGov foe the broadcaster after the Grimsby event showed the Labour leader coming across as more trustworthy, likeable, in touch with ordinary people and prime ministerial.

He was also seen as ahead on the issues including the NHS and young people. But on a night of few positives for the Conservatives they may take heart from the fast that Mr Sunak was just seven points behind Sir Keir on the economy and just a point behind on taxes. 

This was despite the audience laughing at the PM when he talked about the state of the economy.

A snap poll by YouGov foe the broadcaster after the Grimsby event showed the Labour leader coming across as more trustworthy, likeable, in touch with ordinary people and prime ministerial.

A snap poll by YouGov foe the broadcaster after the Grimsby event showed the Labour leader coming across as more trustworthy, likeable, in touch with ordinary people and prime ministerial.

But on a night of few positives for the Conservatives they may take heart from the fast that Mr Sunak was just seven points behind Sir Keir on the economy and just a point behind on taxes.

But on a night of few positives for the Conservatives they may take heart from the fast that Mr Sunak was just seven points behind Sir Keir on the economy and just a point behind on taxes.

Both party leaders faced jeers and tough questions from audience members as they took part in Sky News’ Battle For No 10 programme, with Mr Sunak booed after claiming the junior doctors’ strike had an impact on NHS waiting lists, while Sir Keir was branded a ‘political robot’.

The Labour leader was pressed about whether his party would consider hiking fuel duty or capital gains tax to raise more cash for the public purse, after he already ruled out raising income tax, national insurance, or VAT in the next parliament.

Labour’s election manifesto is set to be published on Thursday, but the party has stressed there will be little in it that has not already been announced.

One audience member accused the Labour leader of being a ‘political robot’, and said he had lost a sense of being ‘in touch’ with the public over the past year.

Sir Keir said he did not apologise for changing the Labour Party after being asked how he could win over voters he had lost.

‘You don’t seem to answer the question,’ the man replied.

Mr Sunak meanwhile faced laughter from the audience when he claimed inflation ‘was always meant to come down over time’ after his entry into No 10.

He was also asked about rising NHS waiting lists, up to 7.54 million from the 7.21 million level when he pledged to cut them.

Amy Green, from Leeds, said that recent decisions by Mr Sunak and his government had left her 'ashamed'. She said she was a 'true blue' but was now an undecided voter because of the debacle and other issues including Downing Street parties during lockdown.

Amy Green, from Leeds, said that recent decisions by Mr Sunak and his government had left her ‘ashamed’. She said she was a ‘true blue’ but was now an undecided voter because of the debacle and other issues including Downing Street parties during lockdown.

The Labour leader was pressed about whether his party would consider hiking fuel duty or capital gains tax to raise more cash for the public purse, after he already ruled out raising income tax, national insurance, or VAT in the next parliament.

The Labour leader was pressed about whether his party would consider hiking fuel duty or capital gains tax to raise more cash for the public purse, after he already ruled out raising income tax, national insurance, or VAT in the next parliament.

‘That was something that I was keen to do, and it has proved more difficult for a number of reasons, obviously recovering from a pandemic is not easy,’ he said.

The Prime Minister faced groans and boos when he said: ‘I think everyone knows the impact the industrial action has had, that’s why we haven’t made as much (progress).’

In the first question from the audience about the high mortgage rates first-time buyers might face, Mr Sunak was accused of spoiling the ‘hopes and dreams’ of young people hoping to own a home.

Answering the question from Ian from Grimsby, the Prime Minister said ‘inflation is down’ and repeated his promise to ‘abolish stamp duty for first-time buyers like your daughter buying homes up to £425,000’.

Asked what is going wrong for the Tories, he told Sky News: ‘Well, I’ve got to say it hasn’t been an easy 18 months in general but what I’ve done though is just keep going to try and do my best for people and that’s what I’m doing in this campaign.’Mr Sunak said he believes the country has ‘turned a corner’, adding: ‘We’ve got a clear plan for the future to make a difference to people – to cut their taxes, bring down immigration, to protect pensions.’

He added he will continue to ‘keep fighting hard until the last day of this election’, and reiterated his apology for his ‘mistake’ of leaving D-Day commemorations early.

But it was a later attack from a former local Tory party chairwoman in the audience that hit hardest. 

Amy Green, from Leeds, said that recent decisions by Mr Sunak and his government had left her ‘ashamed’. She said she was a ‘true blue’ but was now an undecided voter because of the debacle and other issues including Downing Street parties during lockdown.

Speaking after the programme, Labour’s Jonathan Ashworth suggested Mr Sunak looked downtrodden during the show.

‘I don’t know who was here with Rishi Sunak tonight, but somebody really should have thrown a towel on the stage frankly,’ he said.

Farming minister Mark Spencer meanwhile gave the Prime Minister eight out of 10 for his performance during the Sky News election interview on Wednesday night.

Asked what score he would give Mr Sunak in Grimsby, he said: ‘I think he was a good eight.’