
My sister has requested me to ‘tone down’ my vibrant purple hair for marriage ceremony

A bride has been labelled ‘selfish’ and ‘rude’ after asking her sister to ‘tone down’ her bright red hair and dye it a more ‘natural colour’ ahead of being a bridesmaid at the wedding.

Taking to British parenting platform Mumsnet, the bride’s sibling explained how her sister had demanded she change the colour of her locks before the big day – despite them being dyed for 10 years.

The woman explained that she is self conscious but loves her red hair, saying she went through an ‘identity crisis’ the last time she dyed it, therefore she doesn’t feel comfortable changing the colour again.

Asking whether she is being ‘selfish’ refusing to dye her hair, many rushed to the comments with their own thoughts. 

Many said her sister sounds like a ‘Bridezilla’ and is ‘rude’ to ask her to change her hair for the wedding day. 

A woman revealed on Mumsnet that her sister has demanded she change her hair colour for her wedding (stock image)

A woman revealed on Mumsnet that her sister has demanded she change her hair colour for her wedding (stock image) 

The post read: ‘To be annoyed that my sister wants me to change my hair for her wedding.

‘I have bright red hair. I love the colour. It makes me feel good about myself. I even feel pretty on some days which is huge for me since I’m quite a big girl and hate my body. (That’s a whole other issue) I’ve had my hair like this for the most part of 10 years.

‘My sister is getting married in April and insists I be a bridesmaid. She has asked me to ‘tone down the colour’ she initially wanted me to dye it blond as she insists it would suit me. But I have no intention of doing so. She said it would be fine if I went back to my natural colour (Auburn)

‘My other sister got married last year and I went through an identity crisis. Cut my long hair off into a bob and dyed it a plum colour instead…just in case she didn’t approve of my normal colour. She didn’t say anything but I wasn’t her bridesmaid. I hated it so went back to bright red.

‘AIBU to think that my hair colour shouldn’t matter as everyone will be looking at her and not me? Or am I being selfish?

‘I already don’t feel good in my bridesmaid dress because of my body type so not having my hair to back me up, I fear it will be a miserable day for me. (Selfish?)’

Many rushed to the comments to say her sister sounds like a ‘Bridezilla’ and is ‘rude’ to ask her to change her hair for her wedding day.  

Taking to the British parenting platform, the woman explained that she has 'bright red hair' and will be a bridesmaid at her siblings upcoming wedding

Taking to the British parenting platform, the woman explained that she has ‘bright red hair’ and will be a bridesmaid at her siblings upcoming wedding

One person said: ‘You’re not her accessory, you don’t have to colour match. She’s being selfish.’

Another wrote: ‘I usually side with the bride in wedding dramas because I totally get why people’s wedding days are important to them but this is just completely awful. 

‘Nothing to do with her what colour your hair is. You aren’t a prop for her wedding pics.’

Someone else agreed saying: ‘It’s your hair and your body. It’s not on her to tell you what colour it should be or how to style it.’  

A fourth said: ‘She gets to tell you what colour of dress to wear. She absolutely does not get to tell you what colour your hair needs to be. 

‘She’s massively unreasonable to dictate your whole appearance for the sake of her preferences for her wedding photos.’ 

Meanwhile others understood where the bride was coming from, saying red hair stands out too much in wedding photos. 

Many rushed to the comments to say her sister sounds like a 'Bridezilla' and is 'rude' to ask her to change her hair for her wedding day

Many rushed to the comments to say her sister sounds like a ‘Bridezilla’ and is ‘rude’ to ask her to change her hair for her wedding day

One person said: ‘I wouldn’t want someone with bright red hair in my wedding photos so I wouldn’t ask them to be bridesmaid. Not my vibe at all.’ 

Someone else said: ‘Same here. You would stand out and not in a good way to me. But that’s my issue and I wouldn’t expect you to change so I wouldn’t ask you to be bridesmaid. Tell her that and leave her to decide.’ 

Another said: ‘I understand where you’re coming from. I’m ‘bigger’ too and for years my hair was my ‘shield’. Unfortunately menopause and illness has destroyed it. I feel quite lost now.

‘However I’m swimming uptide here, but red will massively stand out in all the wedding photos. Like those black and white photos where they inject one colour.

‘How would you feel if the photos were ‘fixed’ to you having a natural colour? I think that’s a compromise I could live with from both POV.’

Meanwhile others understood where the bride was coming from, saying red hair stands out too much in wedding photos

Meanwhile others understood where the bride was coming from, saying red hair stands out too much in wedding photos

Someone else added: ‘I get it from both sides. It’s absolutely justified that you have your hair the way you want it. But I’ve also seen wedding pictures where someone has bright red hair. I’m assuming fire engine red yes? Or bright blue peacock coloured hair.

‘And honestly? The attention in every single group photos is all about the hair. It can’t be helped. It just screams out so loud that the bride and groom in their neutral tones don’t appear as the main point of focus. Your eyes go straight to the pop of colour. And someone’s wedding is the one time it IS all about them

‘It isn’t just about loving someone the way they are. It’s about wanting beautiful wedding photos to keep forever where the bride and groom stand out and everyone isn’t always looking straight at the fire engine red hair.

‘Could you use a temporary colour depositing conditioner that just tones down the vibrancy?’