
Mega-poll predicts Tories will win simply 108 seats in General Election massacre

A new mega-poll has piled more misery on Rishi Sunak – showing he’s on course for a history-making hiding from voters.

The bombshell YouGov figures reveal the Tories are likely to be reduced to just 108 MPs, down a massive 257 since 2019. Labour will sail to a comfortable victory, securing 425 seats, the poll suggests.

This would be the worst result in the Tory Party’s nearly 200-year history, YouGov pointed out. The polling predicts the Lib Dems will win 67 seats, up 56 in five years, while the SNP will lose 28, ending up with just 20.

Nigel Farage’s Reform UK are predicted to win five seats, while the Green Party will get two and Plaid Cymru are tipped to get four.

It is the second YouGov MRP poll since Mr Sunak called a snap election – and reveals things have got worse for the Conservatives in the past two weeks. The pollster now says the PM would shed 32 more seats than it would have done if the election was held a fortnight ago.

The poll of around 40,000 people forecasts that Jeremy Hunt, Alex Chalk and Penny Mordaunt could all be booted out by voters. Other Cabinet ministers who would lose their seats include Grant Shapps, Mel Stride, Victoria Prentis, Johnny Mercer and Simon Hart.

The Tories are on course for a historic wipeout, YouGov predicts

The Tories are on course for a historic wipeout, YouGov predicts

If correct it would be a bumper day for the Lib Dems, who would win six times more seats than they did in 2019. It would also surpass their 2005 record of 62 seats.

To make matters worse a separate poll published by Savanta suggests the situation could be even worse – with the Conservatives reduced to a mere 53 seats. According to that poll of 17,812 adults, Labour will secure a historic 516 MPs after July 4.

Normally polls would be expected to narrow the closer we get to a General Election. But the latest figures reveal the opposite is true as the situation worsens for Mr Sunak.

YouGov predicts Labour will pick up 39% of the overall vote, with the Tories languishing on 22%. Reform UK will get 15%, the Lib Dems 12%, Greens 7% and the SNP on 3%.

The polling comes after the PM got tetchy when he was put on the spot over Tory failings by voters on LBC after mostly avoiding real people on his highly stage-managed campaign visits. One branded him a “pound shop Farage” while another accused him of “lying through your teeth”.

He was taken to task on a raft of issues, including the NHS, housing, LGBT+ rights and food banks. His performances are unlikely to cheer Tory strategists, who are staring down the barrel of wipeout in just over two weeks. The Conservatives have failed to make a dent in Labour’s double digit poll lead and time is running out. Here are the worst moments from the PM’s disastrous outing on LBC this morning.

One listener said: “Personally, I think you’ve become a pound shop Nigel Farage and you’re not succeeding.” Another said: “Frankly, I think you’re lying through your teeth a bit because you’ve had a decade and a half to improve housing, to improve rental conditions, to improve any of the issues I have talked about. I think young people don’t believe your promises any more.”