My property is value £874,000 – can I defend my daughter’s inheritance?
I own my own property and live on my own. The property is worth around £325,000.
I am due to inherit around £250,000 from my father, and I currently have a pension pot at £113,000 in an accumulation fund and £186,000 in a drawdown fund.
From what I understand I can put money into trusts, but I don’t know much about these. I believe I can also take out insurance to assist my family with any inheritance tax bills they might have when I pass away.
I am currently healthy so hopefully this won’t be in the foreseeable future, however like to plan ahead.
Can you advise how I can protect my daughter’s inheritance please? D.E, via email
Foresight: Planning ahead can prevent your loved ones from being stung with a 40% tax bill
Harvey Dorset of This is Money, replies: When considering what you can leave your family, taking the potential sting of inheritance tax into account is essential.
When you mix property, pensions and savings and projections about what might happen in the future, it can become a minefield trying to sidestep a huge potential tax bill.
What complicates matters is that how much you can pass on free of inheritance tax depends on whether you are married or in a civil partnership and whether you own your own home.
You can pass on up to £325,000 if you are single, or £650,000 jointly if you are married or in a civil partnership, free of inheritance tax. Above these levels it is charged at 40 per cent.
But there is a further allowance of £175,000 if you are passing on your own home to a direct descendant. Again married couples can double this up to £350,000.
This means that a married couple or civil partners can jointly pass on estates worth up to £1million tax-free.
You can pass on an unlimited amount to a spouse tax-free and their unused allowance can be used on the second death.
You say that you live on your own, so the IHT benefits offered to married couples do not sound as if they apply and instead you will have the inheritance tax allowances of an individual.
This is Money spoke to two financial advisers to find out what they believe is the best way is for you to protect your daughter’s inheritance.
Luis Amato, private client adviser at HFMC Wealth, replies: A good starting point in your planning is to first understand whether you’re able to support your own lifestyle in the future, using a cash flow plan.
A cash flow plan is a projection of your assets, income, and expenditure over your lifetime and aims to assess the likelihood of you meeting your desired lifestyle every year considering inflation.
This may show you that you have an inheritance tax (IHT) issue now, but that in future when you have spent more of your money you may have dipped below the threshold.
Consider all the factors: Luis Amato says inheritance tax planning should never be done in isolation
Your pension funds are not usually considered as part of your estate and are normally outside of the scope of inheritance tax.
You should ensure that you have death benefit nominations in place for your pension in favour of your daughter, so that she can draw benefits as a lump sum post your death.
On death, inheritance tax is payable at a rate of 40 per cent on the chargeable value of your estate above available allowances, known as the nil-rate band (currently £325,000).
A second allowance is available to you, known as the residence nil-rate band which is currently set at £175,000 bringing the total to £500,000.
Here is a calculation of how much you would be likely to pay based on your current circumstances.
Residence nil rate band for the estate | £175,000 (the lower of the £325,000 property value and £175,000) |
Basic inheritance tax threshold | £325,000 |
Estate value (assuming the gift from your father has been received) | £575,000 |
Less residence nil rate band | -£175,000 |
Remaining value | £400,000 |
Less basic inheritance tax threshold | -£325,000 |
Excess that inheritance tax is due on | £75,000 |
Inheritance tax due at 40% | £30,000 |
If your cash flow plan shows that you don’t need to receive some or all the inheritance from your father, then utilising a deed of variation to alter your father’s will may be appropriate.
This will allow you to pass some or all of your father’s legacy directly to either your daughter or a discretionary trust.
When considering the use of a trust in planning you need to weigh up the benefits of increased control over capital and income against the downsides of possible future tax charges at each ten-year anniversary and on distributions from the trust, depending on the trust value in future.
Trust planning can be very effective, but it does add complexity and can require professional advice on an ongoing basis which increases administrative costs.
If you require the inheritance from your father and want access to it for your expenditure needs, then consider where your future expenditure is best met from.
It may be more tax-effective for you to spend down the assets inherited from your father, rather than accessing further benefits from your pension scheme, as the pension funds are not subject to IHT.
An alternative strategy could be to use life insurance to pay any IHT due, rather than gifting capital away.
For example, a healthy 65-year-old woman might pay around £38 per month for a policy that would pay £30,000 on death prior to age 90.
This type of planning would allow you to access and use your father’s inheritance and provide peace of mind that your own requirements are taken care of, without needing to make lifetime gifts and giving you greater security that you will not run out of money.
A life insurance policy should be written into trust with your daughter as a beneficiary to keep the proceeds outside your estate on death.
Your daughter also won’t need to wait for probate before she can access the benefits.
This may be a good option if you think you will have an IHT liability now, but not in future, especially as the plan may be cancelled when you no longer need it, though it will not have a cash-in value at that time.
Inheritance planning should never be done in isolation, and you need to take a broad view of your overall position before taking action.
Natalie Donnell, independent financial adviser at Flying Colours, replies: Planning ahead for inheritance tax is the best and only approach.
With a longer timeline, there will be more solutions available for you to utilise, and it will often improve the effectiveness of the planning.
By structuring your estate in the right way, you can significantly reduce your IHT liability, and even reduce your estate below the IHT threshold, with no IHT payable on your death.
Gifting: Natalie Donnell recommends considering an outright gift
In the UK, everyone has a £325,000 nil rate band, allowing a portion of your estate to be passed on free of IHT.
You own your property and intend to pass your estate to your daughter on death, which means that you are likely to benefit from the residence nil rate band of £175,000, allowing you to pass £500,000 on your death, with no IHT to pay.
There are different planning strategies, and the most suitable approach for you will depend on a variety of factors. It is important to consider what your intentions are with your assets – for example, whether you wish to retain control over the assets, the level of risk that you are willing to – or can afford to – take, and the timeline available for planning.
It is of course, difficult to ascertain the timeline for planning in your case, however, it is important to consider your current health and likely life expectancy when considering the most suitable approach.
Modern pensions will sit outside your estate for IHT purposes, meaning that the value is not included in the combined £500,000 nil rate bands. It would be worth checking that this is the case with your current pension arrangements.
As £186,000 is in a drawdown facility, it is likely that this pot will benefit from modern pension features and will not be included in your estate for IHT purposes.
However, without assessing the pot of £113k that is sitting in accumulation, I cannot assess whether this will also benefit from being outside of any IHT calculation.
By changing the structure of your income, you could utilise the assets that sit within your estate for spending in retirement and exhaust these funds before further drawdown from your pension.
In this scenario, you would retain control of your assets and you would still be able to pass more of your wealth onto your daughter, that is free from IHT.
If it is affordable, and you do not need the assets in your lifetime, you could also consider an outright gift to your daughter, and reduce your estate below the IHT threshold.
This is a simple, no cost solution; however, it would mean giving up all control of the asset.
If you survive for seven years, this gift will be outside of your estate and will not be subject to IHT.
If your fathers’ death was within the last two years, you could also make a change to the will using a deed of variation, reducing your entitlement, and passing a portion of your inheritance to your daughter.
This would remove it from your estate immediately and mitigate your IHT liability.
There are various other inheritance tax planning solutions available, including the use of annual gifting exemptions, a whole of life insurance policy to cover the IHT liability, and gifting into trust to retain some control over the asset and dictate when the beneficiary can access the money and for what purpose.
There is also the option of investing in certain assets which attract business relief, removing the value from your estate within two years.
However, such arrangements are higher-risk and may not be suitable for your circumstances.
The most appropriate solution will depend on your views, needs and personal circumstances, therefore, the key is to get financial planning advice to determine what options are suitable for you.