
New footage reveals lacking Jay Slater partying at a rave in Tenerife

New footage of missing British teenager Jay Slater shows the 19-year-old partying at a rave in Tenerife just hours before he disappeared.

Jay, who was last heard from at 8.50am on Monday, was seen walking through a sea of clubbers with sunglasses propped on his head at the NRG music festival where he was last seen by his friends on the Spanish island on Sunday night.

He later left the rave with two British men to their isolated AirBnB apartment an hour away and has not been seen since. 

The apprentice bricklayer was last heard from at 8.50am on Monday when he messaged his friend Lucy Mae Law to say he was 19 miles away at an apartment in Masca, north west Tenerife and trying to make his way home.

After telling Ms Law he was lost, dehydrated and had just 1 per cent battery on his phone, the call cut out and he has not been heard from since.

A search involving a helicopter, mountain rescue dogs and drones has so far discovered nothing, and Jay has been missing for four days with fears growing that he may have been abducted.

Jay Slater, 19, (pictured) was last heard from at 8.50am on Monday when he messaged his friend Lucy Mae Law to say he was lost and trying to make his way home

Jay Slater, 19, (pictured) was last heard from at 8.50am on Monday when he messaged his friend Lucy Mae Law to say he was lost and trying to make his way home 

New footage of the missing teen has show him partying at a rave in Tenerife just hours before he disappeared

New footage of the missing teen has show him partying at a rave in Tenerife just hours before he disappeared

Jay is seen here walking through a sea of clubbers at the NRG music festival where he was last seen by his friends on the Spanish island on Sunday night

Jay is seen here walking through a sea of clubbers at the NRG music festival where he was last seen by his friends on the Spanish island on Sunday night

Following his disappearance, Lucy has set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds to help with search efforts to find Jay. The page has so far raised around £20,000, with a £30,000 target.

Posting on the page, distraught Lucy wrote: ‘I have come on holiday to Tenerife to attend the NRG festival with my friend Jay and another friend. On the last day of the festival, I left alone, earlier than everyone else, because I was tired from the weekend. 

‘I woke up to a phone call off Jay at 8.30am saying ”he was lost in the mountains, he wasn’t aware of his surroundings, he desperately needed a drink & his phone was on 1%”. 

‘He had met two people on Sunday night and left with them to go to their apartment. Their apartment was miles away from civilisation and in a very secluded location. 

‘He left at 8am, and walked half an hour before frantically ringing me when his phone reached 1%. This was three days ago now, and no one has seen or heard from him since. 

‘His last location was on an off road track, which was a 10 hour walk from his hotel. The weather conditions up there are terrible for someone in shorts & a t-shirt, both in the day & at night. 

Jay's friend Lucy, who went on holiday with him, has set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds to help with search efforts to find him

Jay’s friend Lucy, who went on holiday with him, has set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds to help with search efforts to find him 

Apprentice bricklayer Jay was last heard from at 8.50am on Monday

Apprentice bricklayer Jay was last heard from at 8.50am on Monday 

The frantic mother of missing teenager Jay Slater has made a tearful appeal through MailOnline asking for anyone holding him to release him describing him as a 'good boy'

The frantic mother of missing teenager Jay Slater has made a tearful appeal through MailOnline asking for anyone holding him to release him describing him as a ‘good boy’

The mountain range in Rural de Teno near the village of Masca where police are searching

The mountain range in Rural de Teno near the village of Masca where police are searching

‘He has no water for when it’s warm through out the day, and he has no coat/suitable clothing for when it’s cold at night. It was 1 degree and extremely windy when I was out looking in the middle of the night We are all so worried and we just want him home. 

‘Please help if you can and share far and wide. Thank you for reading.’

The isolated village is famously a dangerous area, where many rescue operations have been launched in the last few years. 

Spanish police have never said kidnapping is a line of enquiry and are treating him as a missing person.

Jay’s devastated mother, school finance officer Debbie, said: ‘If anyone does have him, just let him go, he’s not a bad person, maybe he’s got in with some strangers who’ve befriended him.

‘I’m not stupid, I’ve been to Tenerife before, I’ve worked abroad myself and I gave him warnings, I just think if anyone has got him let him go, he’s not a bad person.’

Police officers and a sniffer dog are pictured in the search for Jay on June 19

Police officers and a sniffer dog are pictured in the search for Jay on June 19

Police officers and firefighters talk while searching for the missing 19-year-old

Police officers and firefighters talk while searching for the missing 19-year-old

Breaking down in tears, Debbie added: ‘If he’s got himself mixed up with any trouble, just let him go, just let him go, it’s been three days, he’s in the same clothes, if he’s been dumped in the mountains it’s hot in the day and cold at night.

‘Jay is a brilliant person, everybody loves being in his company, he’s bubbly and fun, he’s such a lovely, beautiful boy. I just want my little baby home with me.

‘He was supposed to fly home from Tenerife today, he should be on the flight now, coming home. I had the taxi booked and everything and now who knows where he is.

‘I just don’t know what to think, I’m all over the place and I’m trying to keep positive, has somebody taken him? Is he panicked and lost in the mountains? I just don’t know, that’s why if anyone has any information please just tell us.

‘But if he is lost then why hasn’t anyone seen him? It’s busy with hikers and holidaymakers up there so if he was lost then someone would have seen him, so that’s why I think maybe he’s been bundled off somewhere.’

Ms Law also told Sky News that Jay had ‘cut his leg on a cactus and had no idea where he was’.

She said Mr Slater had gone to stay with people he met on Sunday night who were staying in an apartment that was ‘miles away from civilisation and in a very secluded location’.

She added that he had left the apartment at 8am on Monday and walked for half an hour before ‘frantically ringing’ her.

Jay’s frightened grandmother has also broken her silence for the first time and admitted she’s ‘terrified’ by what might have happened to her beloved grandson.

June Duncan, who described Jay as a lovely boy, revealed that she’s growing more worried as time goes on.

June Duncan, 77, holding up a family photo of her missing grandson Jay. The desperate grandmother has compared his disappearance to TV doctor Michael Mosley's

June Duncan, 77, holding up a family photo of her missing grandson Jay. The desperate grandmother has compared his disappearance to TV doctor Michael Mosley’s

She said: ‘The longer it goes on the more worrying it is. I’m just getting through each day at a time.’

Ms Duncan also compared the desperate scenes in Tenerfie to TV doctor Michael Moseley’s disappearance and said she can’t bear to think about what’s happened to Jay. 

In her first interview since her grandson went missing, the worried grandmother told LancsLive that she is terrified.

She said: ‘I watched all that on the news about [TV doctor] Michael Mosley and it’s just so similar. It’s hot out there in Tenerife and I just can’t bear to think about what’s happened to Jay, I’m terrified.’ 

Despite her fears she said she is trying to stay positive but admitted that she feels totally powerless.

Ms Duncan is being kept updated on any major developments in the search for Jayby her family. 

A Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office spokesperson said: ‘We are supporting the family of a British man who has been reported missing in Spain and are in contact with the local authorities.’