
Sky’s Kay Burley slaps down Michael Gove over ‘bizarre’ conspiracy concept

Michael Gove was put on the spot by Kay Burley this morning after making bizarre claims about Labour’s plans in government.

The Levelling Up secretary told the veteran broadcaster on Sky News that he believed Keir Starmer’s party would “rig the system” to give themselves a “forever government” if they secured a large majority on July 4. But Kay pulled him up on these claims, saying: “You can’t criticise Labour for getting more votes! It’s down to you guys for not getting your message across.”

Social media users branded Mr Gove’s comments “weird” and criticised him for peddling “conspiracy theories” about Labour.

Kay Burley was not impressed with Michael Gove's claims that Labour would 'rig the system' if elected

Kay Burley was not impressed with Michael Gove’s claims that Labour would ‘rig the system’ if elected

On X (formerly Twitter), one person wrote “Gove is judging everyone by his own standards”, while another user said: “Conspiracy theories again”. Others pointed to the Tory changes to voter ID laws and restrictions on the right to protest as evidence of the current Government trying to change the system to their advantage.

Michael Gove also conceded in the same interview that current opinion polling for the Tories is “not great”, before admitting this was an “understatement”. Linking the election and the Euros and his support for Scotland, he said: “There are opinion polls, as I’ve acknowledged and as we both know, that are not great, but it’s not the 90th minute, we’re not in ‘Fergie time’ yet. There is still an opportunity for us to make these arguments and as we make these arguments, my experience is that when you do talk to voters, outline some of the tax dangers, outline some of Labour’s plans for the future, then people do think twice.

The Levelling Up secretary also admitted that Tory polling was 'not great'

The Levelling Up secretary also admitted that Tory polling was ‘not great’

“People do recognise that by voting Conservatives you are both ensuring that there is a strong Conservative voice in Parliament, but also you are doing everything you can to prevent a series of tax increases that won’t just hit pensioners and first-time buyers, but also will hit the economy in the guts. I’m a Scotland fan, so you wait until the final whistle. Sometimes it looks as though the odds are against you, but you keep on fighting.”

A short time later, Mr Gove stumbled into another awkward moment in an appearance on ITV’s Good Morning Britain when he appeared to forget Adil Ray’s name. After a few tense exchanges, Mr Gove spoke solely to Susanna and kept referencing her “colleague” after the pair clashed multiple times. As the interview came to the end, Adil gave a very pointed parting comment to Mr Gove, telling him: “My name is Adil by the way”.