
Tory insider admits social gathering ‘operating out of money’ because it airs low cost election broadcast

A Tory has admitted the party is running out of cash for its campaign after it aired a low budget election broadcast.

Speaking on The Division Bell podcast, the Mirror’s Political Editor John Stevens told how he couldn’t believe how bad the film aired this week was.

“I was speaking to some people in Labour HQ and they were saying they have been preparing for the fight of their lives this campaign because they just thought the Tories will pull out any trick they can,” he said. “And so far it just doesn’t even feel like they’re trying anymore.”

Talking about the party election broadcast, he said: “I met a friend for a drink in a pub and in the corner of the pub there was a news channel on mute and it came up, ‘party election broadcast from the Tory Party’. It was Laura Trott who is Chief Secretary to the Treasury giving a press conference, a press conference that was last week just being played.

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“And I thought I must have misunderstood this. There must be more to the election broadcast than just them playing a press conference from last week. Then I got home and I watched it back, and that literally was it. That was the election broadcast, it was some fake news music and then just a replay of a press conference she gave last week, and it just felt like, have they given up?”

He added: “I tweeted and said ‘have the Tories either given up or run out of money?’ And someone in the Tory Party actually sent me a WhatsApp and said ‘it is we have run out of money’.

John Stevens and Sam Lister on The Division Bell podcast

John Stevens and Sam Lister on The Division Bell podcast

“They cannot afford to do the big, big productions that we are used to from the Tory Party. They used to spend loads of money on this because this is your chance. And we are at the point in the election where postal votes are going out. Loads of people will be voting before election day.”

New episodes are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the General Election campaign, with a special edition on the morning after polling day.

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